XO's Report April '22
Posted on 06 May 2022 @ 9:50pm by Commander Calliope Zahn
Edited on 11 May 2022 @ 8:40am
OC's XO April '22 EotM Report
Active crew: 9
total word count: 18,844
OF Post count: 38
4.19 posts/ player
For members and guests and readers to help track the timeline of unfolding posts. NOTE the missions are organized by tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet
M3: Into the Deep is still starting out. April saw some story and character development on the Station. The Primary mission has yet to unfold. Watch this space.
A decent month for posting. The GM put up a key post to introduce some unusual alien space debris and establish some higher than usual concern over the origin of the wreckage. Most of the posting for April, however, was story and character development by our new players, Terys, Wagner, and Steiner, and of them Steiner definitely carried the month making him our superstar for April!
Between Becca standing out last month and Polar this month, I've been inspired to consider a monthly recognition. The reasons for the award will adapt based on what really stands out when doing the summaries for the month, and won't necessarily be awarded every month unless someone really stands out, neither does it need to be limited to one player. After discussion with Sep, we've settled on using the Captain's Merit for this purpose. The following will be entered in the awards system:
Captain's Merit – MARCH '22- For collaborative efforts by Becca, resulting in participation in 9 JPs for the month! It was encouraging to see everyone's interactions brought on by Becca's initiative.
Captain's Merit – APRIL '22- To Polar for being the Atlas of the sim in the month of April and carrying the majority of posting with character development and involvement in established station storytelling. Well done!
Congrats! And thanks for the added efforts!
Not much new this month.
As of March, OC has been moved to TF72 with the rest of most of the fleet's sims. In the April TF report, we have been included with the recruitment listing.
Hopefully I can create and post a new round of Discord advertisements for May.
We invite everyone who wants to help recruit to consider inviting a friend!
We love getting ideas people have for unique characters (pitch it to us!) and the station needs lots of personnel in all of the departments (Stardock ain't small...!) But if asked, I presently think the station needs the following the most:
-Tower Control Officer (akin to a tower controller at an airport- would primarily work from the Operations Center and be concerned with comings and goings. Would be a Flight Control Officer, but work in Tandem with Operations. Would work well as an Officer or an experienced Enlisted Character)
-Flight Control Officer (managing shuttle flights and manning helm on the Pathfinder)
-Science Officer (generalists or different specialties would be very welcome! Other than Medical writers and some npcs, we don't have anyone in this role presently.)
-Ast Chief Engineer (station eng is primarily like a facilities engineer role, maintaining the power generation and upkeep of the station, but also can include other endeavors including tech research, ship repairs, and technology in the Loki System and on away missions. Should work closely with Operations and some Science specialties)
-Shipyard Manager (Someone to organize and oversee ship repairs and refits- would be a branch of the Engineering Dept and work closely with Eng/ Ops)
-Civilians! All sorts! Much needed!
As we roll out a new mission, it continues to be an ideal time to invite a friend to join Obsidian Command and grow our writing family!
Eagerness Has Its Own Karma
- by Sarah and Darren
- MD 3: 0900
When a particularly over-hot cup of coffee burns Jai, he seeks out medical help (instead of a lawyer) and meets the new Ast Chief of Medical. Dr. Wagner fixes him up while something of an interest seems to spark between them. Wagner recommends a place with more temperate coffee.
Steiner: Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting
- by Polar
- MD 2 21.15hrs
Steiner visits Hank's Casino, has a look around and absorbs the atmosphere and management style, but before his dinner order comes through, he runs afoul of some folks from his old undercover work...
Steiner: Don't You Draw the Queen of Diamonds Boy
- by Polar
- MD 2 2205hrs
In the aftermath of his brawl at the Casino's Dining room, Steiner gets to know An-Hank-Atha while nursing a sore jaw. Also, gets flirted at by a gorn.
Tepid Welcome
- by Sarah and Sep
- MD02 - 0941HRS
Dr. Wagner meets Dr. Mazur and navigates the pregnant Marine CMO's chilly reception while acclimating to the new role as ACMO.
Fear Mongered
-by Sep
-MD02 - 1049HRS
DeHavilland returns to base with some very strange unsettling alien wreckage. (Key Post)
Steiner: Every Breath You Take
- by Polar
- MD 3 0315 hrs
Hank gets a call she can't refuse...
Steiner: Doctor, Doctor
- by Sarah and Polar
- MD 3 0800Hrs
Doc Wagner sees to the Marshal's injured paw and recommends he lay off hitting people with it until it's fully mended.
Steiner: These Children That You Spit On (pt 1)
- by Polar
- MD 3 12.15hrs
Steiner encounters some refugee kids making trouble on the Promenade and seeks to make arrangements for them
Steiner: These Children That You Spit On (pt 2)
- by Polar and Nikki
- MD 3 1500hrs
Steiner meets Grandfather Nathor among the Refugees camping on the Environmental deck and gets a tour and a cup of Romulan bean tea while assessing the situation.
Category: General News