Obsidian Command

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XO's Report May '22

Posted on 09 Jun 2022 @ 5:06pm by Commander Calliope Zahn
Edited on 09 Jun 2022 @ 5:46pm

OC's XO May '22 EotM Report

Active crew: 9
total word count: 22,164
OF Post count: 44
4.93 posts/ player

For members and guests and readers to help track the timeline of unfolding posts. NOTE the missions are organized by tabs at the bottom of the spreadsheet


Some subtitle threads were contributed to, notably including

- "Steiner" : Connects his backstory as an undercover Marshal with his settling in on the station

- "Refuge" : A brief series intertwining some of the Refugees with the el Aurian settlement of Itonian Bajada across the Taragi-shar mountains on the south-eastern steppes. (completed)

- "Faith and Time" : A character development thread between Quinn and Zahn after they reach across the drift in the marriage; also establishes cultural details from Obsidian, local diplomatic history, and foreshadows the future plot.

- "Free Range" : An Obsidianverse sim-crossover thread shared between SS Mary Rose and Obsidian Command staging and executing an operation on Freecloud.

- "In the Running" : Winslow picks up a fugitive on the promenade.

The main plot continues to be established gradually (mostly due to limited availability of the GM and contributors at different times). The central plot was primarily featured during May in the post "Look but Don't Touch" which leads into continued A-plot already live for June as of the writing of this report.

Besides the plot and subplots, there were also quality character driven posts for May!

Incrementally a better month for posting metrics, building on a solid count from April. Looking to continue that trend of activity increase for the upcoming summer! Fingers crossed and keyboards out! (wait.. how do I type with my fingers crossed...?)


Captain's Merit – MAY '22- To Paul, who had a good month in terms of returning tags swiftly and featuring in multiple posts, both in the primary plot and supporting threads, contributing to five posts of respectable breadth and depth of content, both developing character and furthering plot. May looked good on you.

Tournament of Sims (2021)

Also in May, Obsidian Command won "Excellent Star Trek" for the Tournament of Sims (judging for posts in 2021) for the second year in a row. ToS was called War Games for commemorative reasons this year. The winners announcement can be found here:
ToS: War Games Winners May 2022 announcement for 2021 Role Playing

Not much new this month. The XO is working from an improvised situation and will get back to resource development as able! Please contact Nikki or Sep if you have material to add or want to amend anything in the wiki.

I did not manage to post around any recruitment ads in May, although we are now at least being featured in the TF72 report's recruiting listing, which is nice.

We invite everyone who wants to help recruit to consider inviting a friend!

We love getting ideas people have for unique characters (pitch it to us!) and the station needs lots of personnel in all of the departments (Stardock ain't small...!) But if asked, I presently think the station needs the following the most:

-Tower Control Officer (akin to a tower controller at an airport- would primarily work from the Operations Center and be concerned with comings and goings. Would be a Flight Control Officer, but work in Tandem with Operations. Would work well as an Officer or an experienced Enlisted Character)

-Flight Control Officer (managing shuttle flights and manning helm on the Pathfinder)

-Science Officer (generalists or different specialties would be very welcome! Other than Medical writers and some npcs, we don't have anyone in this role presently.)

-Ast Chief Engineer (station eng is primarily like a facilities engineer role, maintaining the power generation and upkeep of the station, but also can include other endeavors including tech research, ship repairs, and technology in the Loki System and on away missions. Should work closely with Operations and some Science specialties)

-Shipyard Manager (Someone to organize and oversee ship repairs and refits- would be a branch of the Engineering Dept and work closely with Eng/ Ops)

-Civilians! All sorts! Much needed!

As we roll out a new mission, it continues to be an ideal time to invite a friend to join Obsidian Command and grow our writing family!


All That Remains
- by Paul and Nikki
- Backpost between M2 and M3
Lance and Calliope overcome his avoidance and her omissions and lies and begin to heal the gap in their marriage.

Refuge: Day in Court
- by Tara, Becca, and Nikki
- following Refuge: Guest Passes
Winslow and Koroushi take Ayalou with them to Kalara's court to hear the case of the Refugees denied their original settlement. Jiran's mark gives them access to the court directly, and with agreement from Cyrus, they negotiate an arrangement for the refugees to join with the El Aurian settlers. Hatred is stirred up with the influential Tribal leader Hazami due to their negotiations success with his political enemies.

In the Running: Interview
- by Becca and Nikki
- time TBD
Theo questions Yuliette and gets more of her story of how she came to be on the station, but can make no promises about her request for asylum.

Steiner: History and the Future Share the Same Source
- by Polar
- MD03 0850HRS
Time for some research! Steiner does some checking into Hank's background and also opts to track his attackers from the casino rather than bring them in. Where does it all lead?

Look But Don't Touch
- by Sep and Paul
- MD02 1115HRS
DeHavilland has Quinn check out the starship remains she recovered and brought back. Quinn warns it's loaded with evidence of dangerous and banned weapons technology, while Zayne is withholding knowledge about his recognition of the scary tech.

In the Running: Resignation
- by Nikki
Yuliette falls asleep in lockup. It's a safe place to lay her head, even if it is jail.

Down But Not Out
- by Nikki
- MD02 HRS1115
Calliope's kicking her own ass into gear for physical recovery, even taking naps to a whole other level.

Faith and Time: The Fall
- by Paul and Nikki
- backpost
Lance and Calliope continue their efforts at communication and vulnerability. Calliope shows him to the mural of Obsidian prophecy and describes what she learned about it, and how.

Office Prep
- by Sarah
- MD03 0900HRS
Dr Wagner does some futuristic interior decorating - no painting drop cloths or sweat required!

Sound Engineering
- by Nikki
- backpost
Elli-Navine finally talks with her crush, another Grazerite named Tobias who works on Obsidian Command.

Faith and Time: Provisions
- by Paul and Nikki
- backpost
Lance meets Calliope on the prominade for lunch, where she convinces him to buy out a food cart's entire supply... none of which is to Lance's taste.

Faith and Time: Services
- by Paul and Nikki
- backpost
Lance and Calliope talk about going (or not going) to church as they head below decks to deliver the food.

Free Range: Affiliations
- by Becca and Nikki
Calliope and Reuben gauge one another and find common ground enough to build some working trust before heading out on their Operation to divest a certain financier of his illicit gains.


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