Lieutenant Commander Esazi Zh'Athrun
Name Esazi Zh'Athrun
Position Chief Tower Control Officer
Rank Lieutenant Commander
Character Information
Gender | Female | |
Species | Andorian | |
Age | Born 2360 |
Physical Appearance
Physical Description | To be added |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Esazi Zh’Athrun, originally ashamed of the fact that she was unable to enter the career field her Keth (Clan) was known for, has since come to terms with that for the most part. Though it sometimes still bothers her, Esazi makes the conscious effort to focus on being the best at what she does well. She’s an excellent administrator, and understands flight traffic control and flight operations very well. While she maintains her certifications in small craft and even starship flight control, this is mainly just the bare minimum required to keep current. Esazi is what she is and she knows it and she plays to her strengths. Esazi is calm and cool while on duty, especially for an Andorian. She is somewhat less restrained off-duty. (More to added) |
Strengths & Weaknesses | +Organized, meticulous, level-headed +Physically fit, avid practitioner of Andorian martial arts +Excels at dueling -Though a member of Keth (Clan) Athrun and therefore practically predestined to be an ace fighter pilot (or so the elders of Keth Athrun would have you believe) Esazi is not a good fighter pilot and while she is a competent support craft pilot, no one would single her out for her skills in this area. |
Ambitions | To be added | |
Hobbies & Interests | to be added |
Personal History | To be added | |
Service Record | Education & Training The specialty of Keth (Clan) Athrun is Aerospace Combat. Nearly all of the best fighter pilots in the Andorian Defense Force are from Keth Athrun, as are some of the best fighter pilots in Starfleet. Esazi received training in Aerospace Science, Aerospace Engineering, and flight training. However, it was quickly determined that she would never make a good fighter pilot and that while she could competently fly shuttles and even runabouts, flying in general was not her strong suit. Esazi excelled in martial arts and was an excellent duelist. Starfleet Academy Summer 2378 thru Spring 2382 Rather than face ridicule at Chekthora (the Andorian Military Institute) for being an Athrun who couldn’t fly fighters, Esazi decided to apply for entrance into Starfleet Academy. Though she couldn’t be a fighter pilot, Esazi found she still wanted a connection to the Aerospace Field. Esazi found that she had a keen and highly organized mind. On a whim, she took a familiarization class in Aerospace Traffic Management. As boring as that might sound to her fighter pilot Kethmates, Esazi discovered that the work could be exciting and she pursued studies in this area. Undergraduate Degree in Aerospace Traffic Management Member of the SFA Anbo-Jyutsu Club Member of the SFA Andorian Student Union Member of the SFA Andorian Martial Arts Club Pilot Certification in Shuttles & Runabouts Summer 2382 thru Spring 2384 Ensign Aerospace Traffic Control Officer/Assistant Chief Flight Operations Officer USS Muldoon (Carrier) Summer 2384 thru Spring 2388 Lieutenant JG Aerospace Traffic Control Officer/Flight Operations Officer USS Fitzgerald (Carrier) Summer 2388 thru Spring 2396 Lieutenant Tower Control Officer/Flight Operations Officer 2388 to 2392 Assistant Chief Tower Control Officer/Assistant Chief Flight Operations Officer 2392 to 2396 SB182 2388 to 2392 SB281 2392 to 2396 Fall 2396 Promoted Lieutenant Commander Assigned Chief Tower Control Officer/Chief of Flight Operations, Obsidian Command |