Obsidian Command


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28 Aug 2023 @ 9:15am

Lieutenant Tahriik

Name Tahriik

Position Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Geuraani
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 7'2"
Weight 330lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Tahriik is an imposing physical presence who spends a great deal of his free-time maintaining that epic physique. Obviously a being of his height and mass does not have trouble making himself seen/known/heard.

The Geuraani homeworld (Geuraan II) has a gravity of just under 3 standard G's, and as a result they have developed much denser musculature and bone density to counter these forces. Tahriik keeps his own quarters at nearly 3G and does all of his physical conditioning in the same conditions only adding to his significant musculature.

He speaks with a low, brassy, baritone that has a distinct accent. Standard is his third language, learned much later in life and so it is obvious in his pronunciation.


Spouse Aih'Lan
Children Soraael (F - 4yrs old)
Both'aek (M - 6yrs old)
Father Hathane
Mother Rana'eek
Brother(s) Two younger brothers.
Sister(s) One younger sister.
Other Family His father is one of seven and his mother one of five, so his extended family is quite large.

Personality & Traits

General Overview A towering bulk of Geuraani muscle, but a patient, kind person that only uses his physicality when necessary. From a young age, he has always stood up to the bullies picking on those smaller, weaker or simply too passive to fight back. Considering his size, he was rarely challenged back. And while he found that he enjoyed looking out of the less capable, he enjoyed even more being able to prevent the trouble by simple virtue of his presence. He figured out that he could exude calm, and that mixed with his significant physical presence, effectively ended any issues.

Tahriik is often overlooked as dense muscle, not capable of more complex thought, but is a spectacular tactician.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
- Tactical Strategy. Ground, air or space-based tactical strategy is like breathing for Tahriik.
- Hand-to-Hand Combat. He is rated in multiple combat forms and while he is larger than most Terrans, Vulcans or Andorians, there are plenty of other species in the Federation (and beyond) against whom he is not the strongest.
- Flight Operations. He might look strange at the small CoNN station, but he knows he way around it well enough that it is a secondary Bridge Officer qualification he possesses.
- Explosives. Tahriik is very good with small, handheld explosives. He did extensive cross-division training with the SFMC in this field.

- Not scientifically minded at all. Understands and is fascinated by it, but is not by any means qualified in that role beyond what is required of all Academy graduates.
- Engineering. He doesn't have a mechanically inclined brain. Not at least for warp cores and power conduits.
Hobbies & Interests - Terran Chess, Vulcan Chess, Strategy Games of all varieties.
- Any kind of martial arts.
- Athletics. Particularly enjoys weight-based exertions.