Lieutenant Noah Khoroushi
Name Noah Lévesque Khoroushi
Position Diplomatic Officer
Second Position Operations Officer
Rank Lieutenant
Character Information
Gender | Male | |
Species | Human | |
Age | 28 |
Physical Appearance
Height | 6'3" | |
Weight | 175 | |
Hair Color | Sable | |
Eye Color | Bistre | |
Physical Description | Affectionately called Stork on occasion, Noah is tall and gangly – ten degrees off truly awkward, but not afraid to make the occasional joke at his own expense. In his youth, he was an avid runner and swimmer. He still participates in the latter when chance arises. |
Father | Navid Khoroushi | |
Mother | Madison Khoroushi (née Lévesque) | |
Sister(s) | Maryam Winslowe (née Khoroushi) Shadi Haviz (née Khoroushi) Yasmin Khoroushi |
Personality & Traits
General Overview | Coming from a Persian/Parisian home, Noah had the benefit of a deep culture and varied Educational resources as he grew up. The result was a poised, intelligent young man - confident enough to take charge in any situation, yet personable even in the worst circumstances. | |
Strengths & Weaknesses | + Social Interaction - Noah has been exposed to many different cultures even before his Academy days, and has learned to approach new situations with a sense of curiosity and humility, along with a desire to learn. + Technical expertise - Noah is skilled at operating complex systems, navigating his way through programing code as he would any linguistic challenge + Lingual dexterity * Fluent: Federation Standard, Farsi, French, Bajoran, Vulcan * Conversant: Spanish, German, Romulan, Klingon - Physical - due to his injuries garnered on the USS Thisbe, Noah's left knee is irreparably damaged. Multiple surgeries have helped him to regain mobility for the most part, but he requires constant therapy to maintain use. It has been recommended to have an over-all replacement, but to date Noah has declined the option as unnecessary, as he is able to qualify for active duty as is for the time being. |
Ambitions | Noah’s greatest ambition in life has always been to learn. No knowledge is ever a bad thing. To this end, he seeks always to excel at whatever course he attempts. | |
Hobbies & Interests | Linguistic Studies, Cultural Interactions, Computer Programming, Strategic War games, Swimming, Military History |
Personal History | Born to a Persian father and a Parisian mother, Noah is the third of four children, and the only son. Growing up in an affluent home, he and his sisters were afforded numerous opportunities in life, but their parents always strove to keep them well-grounded. As a result, Noah matured into a clever, even-tempered young man with a passion for learning. Graduating from Secondary School with honors, he applied to Starfleet Academy and was readily accepted. It was Noah’s first true experience with a large variety of different species. His family had traveled often when he was young, but predominately about their own system, with only a few trips outside to Vulcan or Bajor. It was a bit of a culture shock, but controlled by the environs of the Academy. While most of Noah’s peers declared their course of study from the beginning, he took a year to consider the options, finally settling on the Operations Track within weeks of finishing his second semester. From that point, his study was focused towards accomplishing all his courses and learning his chosen career inside out. Upon graduation, Noah was given the rank of Ensign, and his first assignment – Operations officer on the USS Talifero. He was beginning near the bottom, receiving the least favorable assignments. Rather than complain, Noah used the opportunities given him to build on his knowledge of Operations as a whole. Before his third year, he had earned a promotion to Lieutenant, Junior Grade, and was offered the position of Assistant Operations Chief on the USS Thisbe. Noah’s progress continued. He grew into his place as a leader, learning how to direct those under him without bossing them about. His mentor on the Thisbe was a Bajoran woman who viewed him with amusement most often, but grew to respect his dedication. It was she who put in his name as her replacement when she finally made the decision to retire; as well as a referral for promotion to full Lieutenant. In early 2393 matters came to an abrupt and near-tragic head. The USS Thisbe – designed for study and exploration, rather than combat – was caught in the middle of a skirmish on the Romulan border. Unable to defend herself against stronger, more agile opponents, the ship was badly damaged with many hands injured and dead. Noah was fortunately among the former, having been caught by an exploding console. When he awoke, it was not on the Thisbe, but in the infirmary of SB10. He would stay here for the next twenty months, undergoing procedures and therapies to repair the damage he suffered. His body healed for the most part, but his left knee – which had taken the brunt of the explosion – never fully recovered. Surgery offered tentative chance at improvement, but in the end Noah opted to refuse. He had never been one to need peak physical condition; besides, he’d taken up new studies during his convalescence and was looking into a change of focus from Operations to Diplomacy. Until he completed the course work, though, Noah kept his foot in the proverbial door with his original course in hopes of at least maintaining active-duty status. While a ship was not offering for the moment due to his limited-duty status, Noah was able to at least find temporary placement on SB10. The months gave him time to regain his strength and complete his cross-certification so that, when at last he received the all-clear for full-duty status, his credentials were in order. However, rather than finding himself reassigned to a new ship, Noah’s transfer took him across the galaxy to yet another station – the newly re-opened Obsidian Command – to serve with the Diplomatic Corps. |
Service Record | o 2385 – Graduated Starfleet Academy with an Operations focus in Tactical systems; assigned to USS Talifero as Operations Officer, Ensign o 2389 – Promoted to LTJG, transfer to USS Thisbe as Assistant Operations Chief o 2393 – Promoted to full LT. Temporarily reassigned to SB10 for rehabilitation after a ship-board accident destroyed most of the Thisbe. While recovering from damage, assisted with base Operations and pursued cross-certification in Diplomatic affairs. o 2395 – Cleared once more for Full Duty, assigned to newly re-opened Obsidian Command to work in their Diplomatic offices. |