Obsidian Command


  • 3 Mission Posts

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08 Aug 2021 @ 9:26pm

Holly Palin -Living Arrangements Florist

Name Holly Palin -Living Arrangements Florist

Position Proprietor

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bolian
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 2"
Weight 120Lb
Hair Color (bald)
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Holly has a cheery fullness to her. She usually wears a brightly patterned kerchief over her head. She's in a work apron most of the time, with tools in the pockets. Her nails are worn down from her work with flowers and plants.


Personality & Traits

General Overview She worked with a florist since she was 16 and her business is a franchise of that operation. She Sells traditional and less traditional bouquets and maintains an offering of live plants. She intends to expand the business into a lucrative operation of offering offices a plant service where they not only sell the plants, but also care for and rotate them.
Strengths & Weaknesses A green thumb and a half decent sense for business, although she is just striking out.

Personal History Holly came to Obsidian Command when her SF Marine fiancee was posted to the region. If she can get the franchise to work, she plans to pay a manager and move where ever her fiancee goes next and open another business there, ad-infinum until she has a whole bunch of businesses.