Obsidian Command


  • 3 Mission Posts

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04 Sep 2023 @ 7:52pm

Loukianos Melanthio

Name Loukianos Melanthio MD-Ph.D

Position Counselor

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 209lbs
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Tall, square-shouldered and slightly barrel-chested, Loukianos presents a slightly odd figure for a Counselor, Therapist and Physician.

Natively Greek, and while fluent himself, he speaks with a carefully crafted middle-american accent with no real inflection.


Spouse Analise Melanthio, MD (Civilian - Private Practice - Bajor)
Children None - Yet

Personality & Traits

General Overview Extremely intelligent and generally mild-mannered, Loukianos is known for a 'no nonsense' approach to his therapy. Rather than allowing his patients to be evasive or beat around the bush in terms of the issue they've come to discuss, or that they're dealing with at a Doctor's orders Loukianos addresses the issues head on and often finds resolution to the matter where other, more delicate therapists have failed.

A compassionate soul, even if his methods don't come off that way. He never creates a hostile environment, but he also does not let his patients convince themselves that they'll be able to avoid the problem they are there to treat.