Obsidian Command

M2 - Sanctuary

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Mission Info

Status Completed Mission

After the station was sabotaged, and taken offline, Starfleet came to the rescue. Now the crew of Obsidian Command has brought the station fully online and is now beginning the long, slow process of rebuilding. Both inside and out.

Mission Group DeHavilland
Start Date 09 Mar 2021 @ 8:50pm
End Date 29 Mar 2022 @ 9:50pm

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Title Timeline Location
Rabbit Hunt (part 3)
by Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Major Minka Mazur, MD (*)
MD12 21:00 Infirmary
Rabbit Hunt (part 2)
by Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant Commander Roman Kavalar
MD14 - 21:00 Shuttle Bay
Rabbit Hunt (part 1)
by Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Ensign Lark Gunnarsen-Berg
MD14 20:00 Main Promenade
Refuge: Guest Passes
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant Noah Khoroushi
MD04 afternoon - following "Refuge: Point of View" Planet Obsidian, Kalara City
A New Start, A New Perspective
by Lieutenant Jai Terys & Major Minka Mazur, MD (*)
MD01 - 0931HRS Infirmary
In the Running: Promising
by Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Yuliette Marayan
Following ‘In the Running: Background Check’ Main Promenade
by Lieutenant Elli-Navine & Lieutenant Commander Lance Quinn (*)
Refuge: Point of View
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow & Lieutenant Noah Khoroushi
MD04 afternoon Planet Obsidian, Kalara City
Healing Strategy
by Lieutenant Commander Alwyn Llwyd (*) & Commander Calliope Zahn
Aftermath of "Milk Run" following day Environmental Deck
Cold Words
by Captain Markus Hawthorne & Commander Thaddeus Zayne
MD12 - 0951HRS CiC Deck - Obsidian Command
Steiner: Arrival
by Chief Deputy Marshal: Ridge Steiner - FMS & Captain Corvus DeHavilland & Lieutenant Theodore Winslow
MD11 - 0721 Command levels
Milk Run: Final Report
by Captain Corvus DeHavilland & Commander Calliope Zahn
MD12 ~0835HRS Infirmary - Obsidian Command
Quiet Retreat
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Captain Corvus DeHavilland
MD12 0635HRS USS Pathfinder - Obsidian Command Sector Space
Milk Run: Recompense for Sin
by Major Declan Finn & Commander Calliope Zahn
MD12 ~0800 Planet Obsidian, Taragi-Shar Mountains, The Devil's Golden Bowl
Zuzal and Mr. Nurbs
by Crewman Recruit Zuzal
MD11 1800HRS USS Ardeshir, Zuzal's Quarters
Free Range: Come to the Table
by Commander Calliope Zahn
Following "Free Range: Back to Free Cloud" Stardust City, Freecloud
Milk Run: The Devil's Golden Bowl
by Commander Calliope Zahn
MD12 ~0740 Planet Obsidian, Taragi-Shar Mountains, The Devil's Golden Bowl
Milk Run: Squawk
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Commander Thaddeus Zayne & Commander Bruce Kensforth & Major Declan Finn
MD12 ~0730 Obsidian Caverns/ SFMC Cerastes
Milk Run: Twisted
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Commander Bruce Kensforth & Major Declan Finn
MD12 ~0500HRS Planet Obsidian
Milk Run: Wake Up Call
by Commander Thaddeus Zayne & Commander Bruce Kensforth & Major Declan Finn
MD12 ~0200Hrs Obsidian Command
Milk Run: Death Defying
by Commander Calliope Zahn
MD12 ~0200HRS Obsidian Caverns
Milk Run: Against the Wind
by Commander Bruce Kensforth
MD11 ~1500HRS Kalara City, north quarter
In the Running: Something in My Eye
by Yuliette Marayan
Obsidian Command- disembarking SS Wishbone
In the Running: Diverting
by Yuliette Marayan
Loki System, aboard the SS Wishbone
Steiner: Like a rolling stone
by Chief Deputy Marshal: Ridge Steiner - FMS
Present and Four weeks ago Obsidian Command

Mission Summary

Obsidian Command spent 18 months in a spatial void, emerging finally in a feat of Scientific and Engineering genius. Just as she was being brought back to her former glory, saboteurs struck and disabled the station. It turns out the local powers weren’t too excited about Starfleet returning to power in the sector; a sector they’d been enjoying free reign in for the last 18 months. They succeeded in sabotaging the station into coming online, and attempted to destroy the ships supporting her and board the station.

Starfleet arrived in the nick of time.

Fast forward two weeks. Admiral Sepandiyar and the Fleet of support ships he brought to bear in the defense of the station have secured the Loki system, and Obsidian Command. Now they can start the long, slow process of rebuilding. That starts with the stations systems and personnel, but also includes the Officers and crew themselves. OC is to serve as the beacon of the Federation for this sector of space, and the home of the 9th ‘Obsidian Fleet’. But first… they have to get their own house in order.