Obsidian Command

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Taking Up a Collection

Posted on 31 May 2021 @ 8:13pm by Commander Calliope Zahn & Lieutenant JG Rhiannon Hokir
Edited on on 05 Aug 2021 @ 4:26pm

Mission: M2 - Sanctuary
Location: Medical Ward
Timeline: MD04 Late Afternoon
1687 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

Calliope waited until Hokir's office hours after her bridge shift to send her a request to come and visit, it read:

"I had one of your cupcakes. It was very good. I hope you don't mind if I shared the rest with some little folks in the guest room. They liked wearing them about as much as eating them. If you have some time this evening, I'd like to talk to you about some supply procurement and delivery arrangements for a local outreach. Thank you— CZ"

The message from Commander Zahn had been a breath of fresh air. Rhiannon had worried about the woman after that first visit, and then things in Operations had kicked up, preventing a follow-up for a time. Now, as she reviewed the message, she had to giggle at the thought of little ones enjoying her treats; if the experience had brought Calliope some joy, then they were well worth it. Taking note to prepare a more small-hand-friendly treat, she'd prepared some cookies - a small batch for the Lady, and a larger to share with her 'friends' - and, once her duties were sorted for the next day, headed to the Medical Ward.

It wasn't difficult finding the place, now that she was more familiar with the station as a whole, and soon enough Rhian was pressing the chime to Calliope's suite.

"You can come in," Calliope called back. When Hokir entered she found Calliope sitting on the roughly made bed,. For a split second the Wall display winked between a series of files, graphs, and notes, back to the 'window' projection of Planet Obsidian. Calliope pinched her fingers and another holo display spread that surrounded herself minimized back into a tiny projection armlet. She was dressed in fresh, unrumpled clothes, had on a little make up that brought color and life back to her face, and, most obviously, had shaved her head. Although a kerchief was tied over her freckled scalp, it was obvious not a strand filled it or peeked out from beneath. It made her seem somehow slighter and shorter, and just over-all smaller. She observed Hokir noticing it and gave a half awkward smile. "Can you guess what's different?" she asked in mock school-girl fashion.

It was obvious, though Rhian saw no reason to point that out. Instead, she tilted her head slightly in thought before lighting up. "You're happier. I'd say it was from giving sweets to little ones you don't have to care for after the rush passes."

"Ah, yeah. The Zebrov girls. They come through every day. There's three of them. An almost school aged girl and twin toddlers. Their father, Staff Sargent Kyle Zebrov, is in a recovery room across the hall."

Making a mental note to pay a visit to the Zebrovs before she left, Rhian focused her attention on Calliope. "I'm glad you left me a message, Commander. It gave me a perfect excuse to tell the working part of my brain that I really needed to take a break for something different. I'm only sorry I didn't come by sooner. How have you been doing? You do look happier, and a good deal healthier, too, if I might say."

"Thanks." Calliope didn't mention how much of that was make up. she motioned to the chairs in the room, in case Rhian wanted to make herself comfortable. "I've been distracting myself. I think it's helping. One of the things I'm working on are requisitions for a certain cause. But I need help, as I don't currently have... priority access to resources right now."

Of course; in light of the situation, Rhian could understand the reasoning behind that. All the same, "I'd be happy to look through them with you, see if there's any we can get pushed through in a timely manner." And, if some needed more oversight ... well, if the request came from the Assistant Operations chief rather than a recuperating XO on mandatory leave, then that might give them the polish of legitimacy the higher ups would want.

Calliope gave her a Padd she'd prepared just for her. "That's my wish list. For the Medical Corps outpost outside of Kalara." She kept her posture tall, even as she sat cross-legged on a hospital ward recovery bed, bald and plain clothed. The list contained about a years worth of reagent and surgical supplies, but beyond that, it also called for fabrication of newly designed, state of the art pop-up constructions that could handle storms and all of the new power generation equipment and scanners for a new surgical suite and a medical lab that was outfitted like a small starship. Besides the gear and building materials, there were requisitions for all of the expertise and labor to construct and install it, and a plan for regular Starfleet maintenance of the facilities and lab tech. Calliope let her scroll for a few minutes as the list was detailed and Calliope had tried to account for everything out of her experience working support on a medical frigate. She watched Rhian's expressions as she read. "It's a bit of an upgrade from their beat up lean-tos," Calliope said after a spell.

The list was extensive and - at first glance - overly elaborate. However, that was first glance. Yes, the equipment listed was top of the line and some might be difficult for even her to fully justify. However ... "I think off hand without much persuasion I can get about 65% of this approved. The concept of a fully functional - and structurally secure - medical and supply center planet-side means less time and resources spent ferrying between Kalara city and the station as need arises. Add to that the teams coming in to facilitate the planet ops. As for the rest." She bit her lip, considering the options. "I might be able to requisition some here and there from incoming ships that have surplus, or I can also peruse the database for replacements that - while not on the same grade, are still reputable and up to the task. If only to tide over until approval for the specific items comes through."

Calliope was not dissuaded. She'd expected a realist's answer to an idealist's demand. It was a response she herself might have given when she'd worked ops. "Very well. Pull together everything you can, mark the remainder for me to figure out. Whatever you can't scare up, I'll find another way. These people are used to getting dregs and squeezing blood from stones to serve the local needs. I'm not going to skimp."

Rhian glanced up at that. "I don't plan on taking no for the first dozen answers myself. Like I said, we have a lot of ships coming and going of late. If these supplies aren't available for requisition in our stock, then I'm pretty sure I can track down most of what's left one place or another. I'll come back to you when I hit the proverbial brick wall; until then, is there anything you're personally needing? Or wanting, for that matter."

Calliope wrung her hands. She wanted to go home, to Lance, to have whatever things said that they weren't able to say, to be more than a visitor in her home. To not be at the mercy of Dr Mazur whose chilly attitude made Calliope unsure if she wanted calliope to suffer for her sins. Instead she smiled. "Nothing we can write a requisition for, no."

"Well, at least no requisitions that Starfleet would know how to handle." Settling into her seat a bit more, Rhian inclined her head. "Do you think Medical would approve of you coming to Operations once in a while? I could put in that I had been hoping to mentor with you when I first started - which I was, before we were attacked. Surely someone would figure out that giving you something to focus on besides this has to be good for recovery."

"I'm pretty sure I could arrange it through Doctor Walker. I have been getting out though," Calliope reassured, "Whenever Lance is available, or when Walker or one of the nurses has the time." Calliope didn't want to seem lonely or desperate or like Hokir needed to do her any special favors pretending to need her. "It's given me a lot of time for analysis and catch up reading."

"If you're anything like me - and judging from the fact you were Operations before Command, I'd say you ARE - reading and analysis only goes so far. Besides, I'd enjoy a break myself now and then. I've met a few other officers on base, but honestly, most of my department looks to me as defacto chief, and not a potential lunch buddy, if you get what I mean."

"On a fully staffed Stardock, operations is a very big responsibility." Calliope held back that she was surprised they hadn't promoted Hokir to the role officially. Maybe there truly was some way she could help if Hokir needed to acclimate to managing the department enough to shine for the promotion. Corvus had refrained from filling the role of Chief, so it was still possible she was holding out for Hokir to make the grade. If Calliope were still first officer, equipping the senior staff to meet demands would be one of her primary duties. But Hokir wasn't asking Zayne for help. She was asking her. Calliope found she didn't really care if it was officially her own job or not. Getting Hokir properly prepared and recognized would be its own reward. "I think I can help you out."

Rhian beamed. "I think that would be wonderful, Commander. I'll admit, it's been somewhat of a learning curve managing everything; even though it's feeling a bit more natural, I'm always open to any new suggestions." She'd even had some come through her staff that had been implemented to measured success; Rhian had taken care to mention those in her reports, not wanting any efforts to go without recognition.

"I'll make the arrangements if you send your hours of availability. Just say when."


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