Obsidian Command

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Tiger Bravo Patrol - Heave to!

Posted on 27 Aug 2021 @ 8:17pm by Lieutenant Commander Roman Kavalar
Edited on on 30 Aug 2021 @ 9:42pm

Mission: M2 - Sanctuary
Location: Upper Atmosphere - Planet Obsidian
Timeline: MD09 ~ 16:30Hrs
1121 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

+Tiger Bravo Flight Lead please repeat+, were the words that came back to Lt. Gregor Ulrich, call sign Winter as his flight of four Valkyrie class superiority fighters skimmed the upper atmosphere of planet Obsidian. What had been a smooth flight up to this point was now turning into a rocky road as planet’s atmosphere affected the aerodynamics of their fighters and required a firmer grip by the pilots on their controls.

Ulrich was the Fire Tigers fighter squadron flight lead for Bravo flight and 2IC for the Fire Tigers squadron, calm and cool under pressure just like his call sign as he glanced at his sensors. Their intended target was still a third of the planets circumference away but they were closing fast. Obsidian Command Aerospace ops. wanted a ID confirmation on what had been picked up by sensors but they had been unable to determine in detail an object lifting off from planetside passing through an electrical storm and not broadcasting an ID. All craft operating in local space were required to broadcast their ID as a matter of security protocol since the attack on the starbase. What was also suspicious about it was that the launch happening on a side of the planet away from direct line of sight from the starbase and any nearby defensive satellites orbiting the planet relaying sensor data back still could not determine the ID of the object but now as it cleared the atmosphere could determine it was a starship of reasonable size, perhaps a freighter.

"OC we are moving to intercept as ordered, unscheduled lift off from the planet appears to be a freighter. No response to hails so far, enacting patrol intercept protocol", Ulrich responded in a matter of fact tone, the flare of the target ships engine a distant flaring light. The four fighters split into pairs, as one pair went higher into a watch mode of the situation while Ulrich in Tiger 2 closed in with the new replacement fighter that took over as Tiger 10, its predecessor having been destroyed in defense of the starbase in recent times.

Ulrich a veteran pilot got his Tactical Systems Office or TSO. to continue on the comms channel and try and get a response from the freighter, "Unknown freighter you are breeching security protocol by not responding, we will lock weapons on you and will fire to disable, this is your last chance", the response ongoing static of subspace.

The freighter was no match for the fighters speed which had a higher acceleration capability as they closed the distance, “Tiger 2 targeting engines with phasers to disable”, Ulrich called out his intended action as his fighters targeting sensors locked on and he moved to press the firing control.

The sound of a deep guttural voice cut through the static of subspace on the comms channel, +Hey Starfleet why you target me, I’m unarmed!+

“Holding fire”, Ulrich said before continuing in calm tone, “Unidentified freighter, you have not responded to our hails. Identify your self and stand to for inspection. Who is this? ”.

+I don’t know the name of this freighter, I’m a pilot contractor, I’ve been hired to fly this freighter out of orbit and around the nearest moon then return to Obsidian. My name is Korvark. You’re still locked on this freighter Starfleet+, the reply was unyielding in his tone.

Ulrich’s TSO. Lt. Mandy Wilson call sign Mad piped up from behind him with a hint of disbelief , “Listen to the balls on this one, he’s out gunned and now he’s telling us what we’re should do?”

Ulrich ignored Mad, “Pilot Korvark, you have failed to reply to comms, you do not have a broadcasted nav ID. as required by Starfleet policies, this is an authorised inspection, stand to or we will disable you and take you int custody”

A moments silence ensued but the freighter did ground down to a stop in space, +Starfleet my nav ID. is down, due for repair and the comms were turned off, likely needing repair. Also if you want to be technical about it, this is not a Starfleet freighter and is instead registered to Obsidian planet which as I understand things is not subject to Starfleet or Federation policies until leaving Obsidian’s zone of influence+

Ulrich called back to Wilson, “Check back with OC. on that”, Wilson blurted back, “Are you kidding, we’re fricking Starfleet1”. Ulrich replied in a thoughtful manner, “Do it anyway, gruff and heavy accent over there might be smarter than we think”. “On it”, Mandy replied finding this situation a little unbelieveable.

Ulrich contacted the freighter deciding on a different tact, “Korvark we’re verifying your story, state your purpose out here, we’re assigned to patrol this area of space since Starbase Obsidian Command came under attack. You have to admit your freighter warrants our attention”

A deep snort followed before Korvark continued, +No big secret Starfleet, I’m taking the freighter for a test run of its impulse drive, its being repaired in stages. You see in the real world far away from the core of the Federation planets these worlds don’t have the luxury of being able to fix everything up before they take something out to test it. But yes it’s a bit odd the nav ID. Was turned disabled. I’m sending you a copy of the ID.. Now hurry up and let me be on my way!+

“Stand by”, Ulrich replied.

A few minutes later as Ulrich’s pair of fighters returned to join the rest of the flight and he’d turned off tactical lock-on, “Son of a ..”, Wilson said, “hey Winter his story checks out. Freighter registry is legit and he’s listed as a test pilot. The authority question is a bit fuzzy though”

Ulrich hailed the freighter, “Pilot Korvark most of your story checks out, the matter of authority around planet Obsidian is a grey area at present. I strongly suggest you return planetside, you’ve tested the impulse engines enough for one day”

+Heh, fair enough Starfleet. You know just a word of advice, if I were you I wouldn’t be looking at me cause this freighter is hard to miss but what else took off at the same time I did eh?+, followed by humourless laughter.

Ulrich face cooled at the thought as he scanned the freighter again, nothing unusual showed up and Korvark was right they’d wasted enough time with him. Instead he ordered the flight to resume its patrol and forwarded their encounter data back to OC. to digest. Whoever the pilot was he was a cool customer.


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