Obsidian Command

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New Family Dynamics

Posted on 30 Aug 2021 @ 11:54pm by Commander Thaddeus Zayne & Major Minka Mazur, MD (*) & Ptolemy Cumberland

Mission: M2 - Sanctuary
Location: Doctor Mazur's Quarters
Timeline: MD06 - 2030HRS
1695 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure

”Now, I ain’t a gourmet, but I do know my way a bit around a hot plate,” Ptolemy Cumberland declared, coming towards the table bearing three plates like a well-practiced waiter. He set one down at each place setting, beaming proudly at his creation. “I give you Steak and Kidney pie,” he said with a wave, taking his seat at the head of the table.

“You didn’t have to do anything this fancy,” Thaddeus remarked from his left, smiling hungrily at his plate.

“It’s hardly enough,” Minka shook her head from across the table. She picked up her wine glass from the table in front of her and raised it in toast. The two men raised their own beers. “To family. Old and new,” she said, smiling to Thaddeus.

“Here, here,” Ptolemy cheered, toasting Thaddeus.

“Thanks,” Thad muttered, unsure what else to say as they all drank.

Things had changed a lot for Thaddeus recently, with his taking on of the Executive Officers’s role, but as strange as that was it was nothing compared to the reception he had been receiving from Doctor Mazur. The normally cold, calculating and authoritarian woman who lacked any measure of a soft side had melted in front of him to be replaced by a warm and friendly woman that he was honestly believing could be a true friend.

Her husband, he had no doubts about. Ptolemy and Thaddeus shared a lot in common, from their love of hand to hand fighting (Boxing and Jiu-Jitsu) to simpler tastes in holo-novels and the like. The two of them had spent quite some time hiding out during the battle, and in the subsequent days before they’d been found. Time enough to get a through understanding of one another. Things you discussed when you presumed death may be imminent and staying awake was the only way to possibly fend it off. Ever since, they'd been fast friends - the sort that Thad had never had before.

It was just hard for him to quantify the change in Doctor Mazur, however. Even in his short time as First Officer he’d fielded more than a half a dozen complaints about the good Doctor. Not regarding her competency or the fact that she didn’t take care of their ailment. But because she pulled no punches and was remarkably devoid of, what one Lieutenant Commander declared, ‘a beating heart’. But the woman was good at her job. Damned good. He could understand people not liking her outward demeanor, much as they didn’t like his. How many times had he been called cold and heartless simply because he didn’t feel the need to gossip or share useless information about himself. He saw a lot of himself in Minka’s personality. It might have been another reason why they were getting on so well.

This was hardly the first night that the three of them had gotten together for a meal, but it was the first time in their quarters and the first time it had been homemade. Usually it was a quick bite on the Promenade somewhere with Ada in tow, or just a beer with Ptolemy to watch a match. Thad wasn’t really into football so much but it was growing on him. He’d even convinced Ptolemy to do a few rounds of golf on the holodeck with him in return for sitting through it. It was nice to play with someone other than the computer, and with someone who was just there to have a good time, not just win. He couldn't remember the last time he'd played gold and honestly had that much fun.

Thad needed this kind of social interaction. Not just to get along with the officers under his command, which Minka technically was, but for his own well being too. Even amongst those that stayed behind on OC during their 18 month trip in the void, he’d been reserved. Only Master Chief Barmeadow had managed to crack that shell, though she’d never tell anyone that. Thad would never admit it either. He enjoyed having that reputation. The cold, authoritarian.

But this was refreshing. Friends. Laughter. Camaraderie. He’d never really cared enough to get involved with the crew wherever he’d served and had been forced to build very strong, very deliberate walls around himself during his time with Federation Security working his deep cover. Any crack in that, and he’d have been discovered and killed. All that together made him a hard man to get to know.

“Right, then,” Ptolemy asked after a few minutes of happy silence as they chewed. He took a swig of beer and continued, “Min and I want to know when you’ll be bringing a date to these here dinner dates,” he grinned. “You’re a handsome lad. Take your pick, right?”

Thad snorted lightly and shook his head, “I doubt that,” he replied.

“Oh come off it,” Ptolemy answered. “That girl that works the bar at Hula Pete’s. She wasn’t hovering over anyone else’s drink orders,” he grinned, wagging his fork at Thad.

“It’s just because I’m the XO,” Thad shook his head.

“Bollocks!” Ptolemy exclaimed.

Minka just grinned into her plate and ate quietly.

“Min. Tell him I’m right!” Ptolemy begged.

“You’re right,” she agreed.


“But he’s very obviously taken with someone else,” she assessed, looking up at Thad and daring him to say otherwise.

Thad blushed before he could control the reaction and tried to wipe it off his face, but Ptolemy wasn’t to be fooled. He let out a roar of laughter, and when Minka shushed him so he didn’t wake Ada, he laughed softer. Leaning over, he clapped Thad hard on the shoulder.

“You bloody fox! Who is she. Spill it!” He demanded.

“No one. You’re misreading, Minka,” Thad answered them both.

“Oh,” she shrugged, “Its possible. I’m a physician, not a Counselor,” she admitted.

“Nice try, though,” Thad smiled.

“…no…” Ptolemy shook his head looking between them.

“Oh, Ptol, I meant to say,” Minka turned to her husband patting. She let the words hang for a second as Thad prepared to scoop a bite into his mouth. “I wanted to get a dress for Ada on the Promenade,” she declared. “There’s a young woman that sells Tholian silk - Athena’s Loom, I think her shop called,” she declared.

Thaddeus choked on his bite and bowed forward to clear his throat and get the bite down, following it with a gulp of beer. He looked up at Minka, picking up her own glass to have a drink with a victorious smile on her face.

“You alright?” She asked him with faux innocence.

Ptolemy looked between the two of them confused, the wheels turning in his head. “I’ve missed it…” he trailed off before realization dawned him. “That girl in the shop came from the Marine base Promenade!” He said, pointing to Thad excitedly, then letting out a loud guffaw of victory as he watched Thaddeus face turn beet red. “Misreading my sweet arse!” He roared again, reaching over to clap his friend on the shoulder again. He then slapped the table, “When’s she joining us? I can make this again Friday night. Or better yet. Supper Club. Whistlin’ Dixie’s. Lieutenant Nbawa has a teenage daughter that can look after Ada. Whaddya say, mate?”

Thaddeus coughed a bit more, drank some more beer and looked up to the two of them, still blushing like mad. “It was just one drink… a couple of times,” he replied lamely.

Minka just looked at him, shaking her head slightly and smirking as she held her wine up. “I’m sure she uprooted herself from Falkirk at random to come here, to Obsidian Command. There couldn’t possibly be any motivating factors,” she deadpanned.

“She does know you exist, mate, right?” Ptolemy asked worriedly.

He turned his neck awkwardly and then nodded, “Yeah… I’ve…” he cleared his throat, “I’ve taken her out a couple of times,” he managed in quiet defeat.

Ptolemy slapped the table again. “It’s a fooking date then, mate. Friday night. Supper club. Bring your bloody dancing shoes!” He roared.

Minka shrugged when Thad looked at him, “You know Ptolemy’s not going to take no for an answer,” she answered the look of desperation on his face, practically begging her to save him.

Thaddeus drew a deep breath and then sighed. He pointed his fork at Ptolemy, “You’re going to be the death of me,” he grunted.

“You saved my life, mate. Least I can do is make yours a bit more interesting!” He grinned.

They all laughed at that and ate on. Thad wasn’t quite sure how he was going to do manage this; he had a reputation to uphold after all. But he couldn’t deny that he did want to go out with her again. Nor could he lie to himself and say he hadn’t thought of her more than a few times during his time in the void. He’d been happy to see her on the Promenade opening her shop and himself had made excuses to find himself nearby to say hello or have a quick conversation. But other than a drink after one of Ptolemy’s matches, or a quick bite at the Kalaran food cart, they hadn’t gone out.

Maybe he really was denying himself something he’d never had before. Maybe Minka was right that there was more to her being here on Obsidian Command than simple happenstance. It was awfully convenient. But surely she wouldn’t have moved her life and career simply for the chance to be closer to him. Right?

“What’s her name?” Ptolemy asked after what seemed like forever. Thad had lost himself completely to his own thoughts and didn’t even realize that both Minka and Ptolemy were staring at him with satisfied smirks, watching him daydream.

Thad gave a sidelong smirk in answer, “Cora.”


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