Obsidian Command

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Security Action Plan - Part Three

Posted on 27 Aug 2022 @ 9:03pm by Chief Deputy Marshal: Ridge Steiner - FMS & Lieutenant Louke Haille

Mission: M3 - Into the Deep
Location: USS Pathfinder
Timeline: MD 05. 1845hrs
761 words - 1.5 OF Standard Post Measure

.: [Operations] :.

After leaving the Science deck Steiner made his way to the Chief Operations Office, where he found a tall lanky El Aurian by the name of
Lieutenant Louke Haille. After introducing himself, he got down to business.

"Security has been tasked with dealing with any intruders should we get boarded by the Pyrryx" He began "You've seen the video of one of those brutes, so you know that's not going to be easy. We're going to trying several tactics to slow them down and take them out, and we're going to need some help from Operations..."

"Ask away; if I can't promise it outright, I'll find a way to make it happen." Louke had seen the replays and frankly they brought back too many memories. He activated the padd he carried and prepared for notes.

"First, there are apparently a dozen or so cargo containers of rock samples down in one of the cargo bays. We'd like to get them moved up into the corridors near vital areas of the ship, the Bridge, Engineering, Life support, Torpedo magazine, Auxiliary control, to try and partially block off access.

Those warriors are pretty big, we're trying to make some chicanes, maybe slow them down, just enough room for one of them to give us the chance to concentrate fire on them. If we plot out locations, could you beam them into place? Then maybe a couple of your maintenance techs to help us secure them in position?"

"I'll need a bit of time to get more familiar with the specifics of the Pathfinder's systems, but that's a matter of minutes. Not a concern here." He pulled up an overview of the ship's schematics and began marking off the areas he had indicated, taking in dimension and just how much space they might want to fill.

"Good, we'll finalize exact locations and bring you a plan tomorrow" Steiner replied. So far this was going well.

"Then we would like to get forcefields set up in the same locations and across any of the main routes through the ship?"

An eyebrow quirked as Louke updated the layout. "That should be possible."

Steiner nodded "Thanks, we'll mark locations on the same plan.

And back to the transporter, we'd like to be able to move around quickly. Can we get some pre-planned internal transports set up, to move Security teams around from deck to deck as fast as possible? "

"So we are wanting to divide transporter capacity between moving troops and hostiles?"

"Steiner smiled "This being a science focused vessel we don't have a very large Security division, there is a grand total of sixteen of us, plus another eight with some security training. So hopefully, we won't be causing too much strain on the systems

Lastly, I hear there's a small industrial and technical replicator, any chance we can replicate more of these?" He held out one of the Marshal's Service thirty-millimeter Transporter rounds and explained what it was. "We fire this into a suspect, the barbs in the tip hold it in place, it links to a transporter and activates a pre-set beam out sequence. Usually into one of our Cutter's holding cells, we'd like to try it on the Pyrryx and just beam them right off the ship into space."

Louke held up the round and gave it a quick once-over inspection before testing the weight in his palm. "This might be the easiest request; our best option would be producing batches. How many security squads do you see forming up here? And how many rounds at a time do you want accessible? If we can break down into a schedule, it will be less of drain on ship resources than reproducing everything at one go."

"I've brought twenty, if you could manufacture another say thirty that should suffice, I think." Steiner was under no illusions, if they were boarded by than more than say twenty or twenty-five of those armored warriors there was no way they could hold them off.

He dipped his chin at the one Haille was holding "You can keep that one for the specs"

A dark brow arched at that. "Only thirty?" Though, he supposed, once they got the specifications locked in the system, it would be an easy thing to pull up the file and process as needed. "We'll have those ready for you before tomorrow's out."

"That's great, thank you Lieutenant" Steiner nodded "No doubt I might be back, but I think I've taken up enough for your time for this evening, "


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