Obsidian Command

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Breckinridge: U Haul We Haul Pt 2

Posted on 31 Aug 2022 @ 1:31pm by Master Chief Petty Officer Callan McNeil CallSign: FishSmoke & Commander Calliope Zahn & Lieutenant Noah Khoroushi
Edited on on 15 Jun 2023 @ 6:06pm

Mission: Ongoing Mission - Planet Obsidian
Location: OC Environmental level & Planet Obsidian
Timeline: M3 D06 08.30hrs
2823 words - 5.6 OF Standard Post Measure

.: [Shuttle Hanger 3] :.

After the morning briefing McNeil, his crew and the rest of the Breckinridge personnel made their way to the hanger. He slid the data chip into his PaDD, activated it and reviewed their tasking orders.

There was a contact by the name of Nathor in the Romulan settlers, part of a Council of Elders, who he would need to liaise with.

"Ok, everybody pull the biobed modules from all birds, throw in the extra seats and get flight prepped. " he called out to them.

"And I need somebody to get the latest metrological and radiation data for the region and somebody pull up the El Aurian settlement details, landing pad, if they have a tower, you know the drill"

A couple of hands went up. "Ok I'll go meet with our contact and be back in an hour. Keep your eye out for the Diplomatic liaison, a Lieutenant Khoroushi, he's coming down with us"

.: [Environmental level] :.

McNeil took the long turbolift ride up to the environmental level and took a walk over to the wooded area where the refugees were camping out.

He found a Security Patrol and got directions to a clearing where there were a number of larger shelters were set up. The patrol also informed him Security personnel were standing by to begin escorting groups of refugees down to the hangers whenever they were ready.

The place was a hive of activity and bustle, people were busy packing and gathering their belongings.

McNeil looked around, an older portly fellow, with glasses and long hair was the description the Security Team had given him, which matched the picture of his contact on his PaDD. He spotted a male who looked like him talking with some other older Romulans by one of the shelters, he made his way over.

"Good morning. I'm looking for Nathor?" he introduced himself. "I'm Master Chief McNeil, I'm here to arrange your transport down to Obsidian"

"Well, you have found me, Master Chief McNiel." The older gentleman said pleasantly. He was carrying a small bag of hygiene items, having returned from the showers, his hair combed neatly, though yet stringy and damp. "What is it you are seeking me out for this morning?"

"Good to meet you" he smile and shook hands "Ok per my orders, we're to ferry you and couple of your Council members down first to finalize arrangements with the settlement leaders? We can do that while everyone else is getting packed up and moved down to the hanger for embarkation. That work?"

"Ah, yes. I was told to expect someone to contact us today." Nathor waved over two other elders from the camp and they seemed to know to expect the signal, gathering themselves promptly. A white haired woman wore a simple styled tunic, which looked suitable for farm house life, and another man fitting a fairly average Romulan description joined them. A child trailed behind him.

"Come, Ayalou," the man said as she bounded along in an indirect zigzag fashion, choosing where her footfalls landed according to some selected design within the variation of the pathway's pavers. Although he carried himself with bearing and dignity, he seemed out of much energy for any serious correction, his cheeks sallow and eyes sunken into shadowy sockets, like a man haunted.

McNeil nodded to the couple and gave the girl a wink. "Ok lets head on down to the hanger and get on down to the settlement"

.: [Shuttle Hanger 3] :.

The paused at the hanger Security checkpoint while the team confirmed the identification of the Romulans. McNeil noticed an increase in tension amongst the adults while their identities were checked and scanned. The girl did not seem to mind too much

"Takes a bit longer due to the Alert," he said to Nathor. "Shouldn't be any problems for your people though, Security has the full list of approved settlers"

Nathor looked concerned, although he knew his little community would soon be past the trouble of papers and authorities and managing their status of uncertainty. Soon they would be too busy struggling for shelter and resources and making their homes to be much concerned about the past. someday this strange journey through space would be to each of them a distant memory.

He led them over to his Arrow and introduced them to the crew. "Chief Petty Officer Bell, my co pilot ; Petty Officers Stevens and Lonj."

"Lets get you aboard and strapped in honey." Shelia held out a hand to the girl, while Lonj led the adults aboard and found them seats.

Ayalou extended her hand to hold and smiled up to the lady. She motioned for her to lean in. "I need one more seat."

"Oh, you do?" Stevens asked

"I brought my pet," she whispered her eyes big and earnest.

"Ah, I see, okay, what's their name?" She smiled.

"Dendru the great."

"Dendru, the Great huh?" Stevens repeated "That's quite the name"

"Do you want to meet her?"

"Sure." The Paramedic nodded and smiled.

"You have to be very calm." Ayalou said solemnly. "Dendru can sense when a bad person is coming."

"Ok, well I'll be as calm as I can and hopefully they don't think I'm not nice."

Reaching into the pocket of her frock, Ayalou produced a rock with a face scrawled on it. There were at least five crafted eyes glued on it and around the rock were tied pieces of wire either representing an abundance of legs or an under abundance of hair. It was difficult to tell. The wires were over worked and didn't rebound especially well from being crammed in the girl's pocket.

"Well hello Dendru." Stevens smiled at the girls pet rock creature "Welcome aboard, I'm Shelia" She looked at rock, the girl and the next seat. "You know, you might be a little small for our seats, not sure I can get a seatbelt to fit you. You might be more comfortable riding along with Ayalou here, it's only a short flight. What do you think Ayalou?"

Ayalou looked thoughtful. "She says, yes. But, she wants a snack. And I want a snack too."

"Huh, well let me see what I can find" Stevens went back to the crew module and replicated up a couple of chocolate cookies. She returned and handed them over. "There you go one for each of you"

She took the snacks greedily, setting one on each knee like offerings to the great Dendru in her lap. Ayalou's father looked at her somewhat sternly, before the girl caught on and looked back to the kind lady. She formed her hands in a formal Romulan gesture and said in the Federation way— "Thank you Miss Stevens."

Stevens gave her a wink and headed back to her own seat.

"Great, I hope they brought their sunscreen! Ok, we're just awaiting the Diplomatic Liaison Officer and then we can get going"

"That him?" Bell replied, pointing out a tall and gangly Human Male in diplomatic purple threading his way toward them.

Noah offered a slight wave as he made his way over to the vessel. "Sorry I'm late," he offered, shifting the bag on his shoulder.

McNeil stepped forward. "Lieutenant Khoroushi? I'm Chief Petty Officer McNeil, I'm your pilot. We have Mister Nathor and his Romulan party aboard. We're ready to go as soon as you give the word"

"Thank you, Chief. Everything else is in order, so I say we are good to head out.

"Then let's get it turning and burning" McNeil said. They boarded, shut the hatches and headed for the cockpit.

"Mister Noah!" Screeched Ayalou leaning around the seating to wave to him, her restraints keeping her from running up the aisle.

Noah chuckled and offered the girl a quick wave as he made his way to the seat awaiting him.

.: [Arrow Runabout Breckinridge One] :.

"Flight time is about twenty five minutes Nathor." McNeil stopped by the man's seat. "Should be an easy ride. It is going to be dangerously hot down there though. Are your people aware of the conditions?"

"It was made clear to us during the first application process before we actually came to the Loki system. The first applications were denied, you see. While waiting for redress concerning the loss of our first promised oasis tract, many of us further educated ourselves." He reassured brightly as he adjusted his straps. "There will be some differences between the old region and the Itonian Bajada, but we will adapt to it. For instance, it is nearer the pole, and so has a shorter summer. Currently it is summer there, but soon the heat of the days will be shorter in hours and end capped by longer, chilly desert nights." He patted the belt to indicate he was indeed happy with the adjustments. "But in any event, as the saying goes, beggars cannot be choosers also. We will adapt because we must."

"Fair enough" McNeil agreed. "You two folks ok?" He looked over to the man and woman, the man had a look about him that he'd seen too many of the wrong kind of things.

Ayalou's father gave a simple confirming nod. "We are ready."

"The team leading the project in the Bajada are looking forward to your arrival," Noah assured them, offering a wink to Ayalou. "Your little ambassador in training there earned quite a reputation. She may even have a fan-club starting. Either way, they will be a good resource to help you all adjust as quickly and smoothly as possible."

"It will be good, once again, to call some place home." The white haired woman said pleasantly. She did not look as haunted as Ayalou's father. It was clear now that the two were not family— simply elders in the loose organization of the refugee camp. But there was otherwise no apparent relationship. She had a calm demeanor, somewhat like Nathor's.

Moving forward McNeil joined Bell in the cockpit, they completed their final check. They started up, lifted the Arrow two feet off the deck and gently eased out of the parking bay and across to the hanger exit. Getting final clearance to depart McNeil pushed forward through the forcefield and out into space.

Fifteen minutes later they were dropping down through the atmosphere, heading South of the equator towards the for the Itonian Bajada region. Bounded on West, North and Eastern sides by the southern foothills of the Taragi-shar range. The final approach was down a long wide valley between rocky ridges, with a port turn out of the valley and across the open dunes into the settlement.

Stevens leaned over to Ayalou, "How's your lil friend doing, they ok?

"Dendru ate all her snacks, and she ate all of *my* snacks." Ayalou reported, her skirt covered in crumbs.

"She did? Well let's see if we can find you a couple more cookies shall we?"

"Ayalou—" Her father admonished, somewhat tired of her childish behavior. "There will be a meal later. She does not require any more snacks for the pet rock." Seeing how his decision caused an awkward situation with the woman attending them, he amended. "But she may have a drink."

"Good idea!" Stevens agreed :"It's important to stay hydrated with the heat" She came back with several water bottles and handed them around to the family

=^=Itonian Control this is Breckinridge One, inbound =^= McNeil called out and gave their approach vector =^= =^= We have the Romulan Refugee leadership delegation aboard. ETA is six minutes =^=

=^= Breckinridge One, we read you and are ready to receive =^=

.: [Itonian Settlement] :.

Soon enough the settlement appeared on the dusty horizon, slowing down McNeil lined up on the landing pad, a long strip of hard packed sand and mud. There were two buildings, a couple of small cargo craft were parked near the solitary hanger building at the far end. He found an open piece of the pad and set them down near the other small building, which appeared to be the control tower and passenger terminal combined.

As the dust cleared, he saw through the cockpit screen three figures exit a door and start over towards them. He left Bell to shut down and went back into the cabin. "Everybody ok? Enjoy your last bit of cool air for a while, I'm opening the hatch"

McNeil tapped the side hatch controls and as soon as the door slid open the heat and dust rolled in. It was like opening the door to a blast furnace. The outside rushed him, the bright sunlight poked him in the eyes, while the heat and dust slammed him in the face and poured down his nose and throat with his first breath.

"Welcome to Itonia" he managed to gasp out, fumbling in his flight suit pocket for his shades, as he stepped out and down onto the pad to help the others down.

Now the outside got to fully stomp all over him and instantly he could feel the hammer blow of the heat on his head and face and the first flush of sweat in his suit. He slid the shades over his eyes, thankfully cutting the morning glare to a tolerable level. It was considerably hotter here than it had been in the mountain village a few days ago.

Ayalou's Father bent to one knee and, after adjusting it as small as it would go, put a ball cap on his daughter. It wasn't the kind of hat they would have had back home, but it was what he could get on short notice. He put a matching one on his own head.

"We have the same hat!" she delighted.

"So we do." her father said, standing and letting her take his hand.

Noah chuckled quietly as he watched the pair; it was clear where Ayalou came by her personality. He only hoped the narrow brim of the hat would provide enough protection for the girl once they stepped out.

As the glare faded a trio of figures approached the vessel, their outlines muffled slightly by the shapeless outer-wraps draping their forms. The tallest of the group pushed back his hood to reveal black hair and eyes nearly as dark. His face was markedly lighter than his companions, but still bearing a deep tan from the environment. "Greetings. I'm Lieutenant Commander Kitaan Dhow - Fleet Liaison for the Colony. This is Cyrus Alinejad and his associate Shirin who manage things from the Civilian side of matters. Welcome to the Itonian Bajada."

"Commander Dhow, Mr. Alinejad, Ms. Shirin." Nathor made respectful bows for each. "We are most grateful for the accommodations you are making for us! We hope to be good neighbors to you in turn. I am Nathor. These are two of our eldership in our number. Jazeele t'Drinn and Xerne tr'Azaoc and his daughter, Ayalou."

Stepping up to join the party, Noah inclined his head. "We've met already, Commander. Lieutenant Noah Khoroushi. I'll be serving as Fleet Liaison for the party as long as they have need of me."

"At least someone in Fleet managed to pull their -" Shirin's muttered remark broke off at a meaningful nudge from Cyrus. She glared up at the man, earning a short shake of the head. Letting out an irritated snort, her focus instead turned on the child. "You and your assistant here will be welcome," she offered instead, just a shade on the proper side of too sweet.

Kit resisted the urge to roll his eyes, though he couldn't quite hold back the quirk of a smile at Shirin's antics. Though Cyrus tried to keep his younger partner in check, the woman had an unquenchable spirit. She had also taken on the championship of this endeavor with the fierceness of a mother cat. "Careful, Khoroushi, or you might lose your attaché to Shirin before all's said and done.

Noah grinned at the woman. "We both know that will be Ayalou's decision, so if she chooses to team up with Shirin against me, then I can only bow to her judgment."

Father and daughter looked down and up at one another respectively, the little one grinning as her father seemed mildly amused. He knew generally of his daughter's trip with Starfleet to secure the new arrangements, but it did seem she'd developed something of a 'fan club' among the principle parties involved.

Noah turned to Nathor, then. "Let's get everyone into shelter and out of this heat. It will give the group a chance to adjust to the surface in as much comfort as possible while accommodations are arranged."

"We would be much obliged." Nathor eagerly agreed, already feeling the sweat beading on his neck.

McNeil closed the hatch so his crew would be comfortable and tagged along after the group as they walked back to the building.


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