Obsidian Command

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Yellow Means Slow

Posted on 03 Sep 2022 @ 12:14pm by Sylvie Hardt - Surrat Gallery & Yishara Vahl - Sodril's Social Club

Mission: M3 - Into the Deep
Location: OC, Promenade
Timeline: MD06 0815hrs
1035 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

"No, don't tell me. Next Tuesday, right?" Yishara growled at the person on the other end of the subspace channel. Her hands were stained with paint and grease, and it had gotten all over her baggy and clearly ageing outfit.

The Bolian on the other end simply shrugged and looked apologetic. "I'm sorry, miss Vahl, but with the alert condition and increased checks on everything coming in and out, it's the best I can do."

"I know it's not your fault, Lixin. Just like the fact that my holo-emitter repairs are being pushed down the queue is not the fault of the operations staff, just like the fact that my Chef just took another job opportunity in a 'less volatile part of space' is not his fault." Yishara massaged her temples with her hand, smudging some more paint and grease on her face. "So, thanks. I guess."

There was a sharp rhythmic wrapping on the dimmed out window, behind the "coming soon" announcement cards. Around the boarders of the placards could be made out a prim, ashen skinned half Cardassian woman in a sheath-business dress, her almost glowing white hair caught up in a sweeping bun. She wore simple but expensive jewelry and tasteful cosmetics. She also cradled in one arm a legal sized data padd.

"There's someone at the door, maybe Starfleet Security finally decided that my custom cutlery aren't martial weapons." Yishara gave a half-hearted wave at the screen before switching it off. Wiping her hand on her shirt, trying to get rid of some excess paint. She approached the door and frowned at the form behind it, ever since joining it took more effort to repress bias towards Cardassians. She'd been twelve at the time of the dominion war, but the previous Vash host had been the thick of it.

Opening the door slightly Yishara poked her head out, "Good morning, I'm afraid we're not open yet."

"Yes, good day to you." She enunciated her words like Gold Pressed Latinum was dripping from her accounts and had a manner of blinking very languidly. "My name is Sylvie Hardt. May I speak with the proprietor of this establishment?"

Yishara pushed the doors further aside and stepped fully in the frame, crossing her arms and taking in the woman standing in front of her soon to open commercial endeavour. "Yishara Vahl, pleasure to meet you Miss Hardt. What can I do for you?" The woman seemed official and despite her ruminations about her heritage she didn't want to ruffle any of the wrong feathers delaying her endeavours further.

"Yes, a pleasure to be sure. I'm a fellow business owner, here. I operate the Surrat Gallery, upstairs a bit from you. I'm sure you haven't had quite the welcome you would have preferred nor the one you've anticipated."

"It's been," Yishara hesitated before adding, "challenging."

"Quite. I feel very much likewise. Hence I am collecting signatures to proposition Starbase Command to make some less militaristic impositions upon the promenade and the commerce upon which we rely." She extended the petition to the Trill, her entire arm seeming animated by an easy grace as she did so. She patiently allowed Vahl to scan through the professionally outlined petition prepared by her solicitor on retainer.

Yishara took a moment to look over the PADD handed to her. It seemed like it contained quite a bit of unnecessary legalese. "This seems like a good initiative." While rocking the boat wasn't a foreign concept to her at all she wasn't too sure whether or not it would be the wisest approach at this time. "Not sure how much weight my signature would have, I'm not even officially open yet."

"To the contrary, in fact. All the more for it. These policies are driving away business and therefore business owners. Those businesses with franchises far and wide and pocket books as deep as financial gravity wells might be able to weather such impositions without complaint, but it is those such as yourself who will find themselves most susceptible to a waning market. While our security is no less important to us, one cannot expect a fledgling commercial operation to thrive without some reasonable concessions."

"You make a very good point." Yishara was just starting out and every day that she couldn't open meant dipping into her savings. It was already becoming painfully clear that she hadn't saved up nearly enough to weather an event like this. She took the stylus and signed her name on the line for the petition, adding the name of her establishment.

Sodril's Social Club

Seeing it written down, even if it was just on a petition, brought a bit of a smile to her face. As she handed the PADD back she looked at Sylvie, "Miss Hardt, you said you own a gallery?"

Sylvie tucked the legal padd back into the crook of her elbow. "Indeed. Surrat Gallery. I do hope you take the time to come and experience our current display. I have assembled the work of displaced artisans in the region. Including renowned and newer talent. In any event, thank you for taking the time to speak with me and signing our petition. I will be sure to follow up with you soon."

"If you want we can bring some more attention to the artists by displaying them in the social club. Fully credited of course, with all sales going through your gallery." Yishara wasn't about to let her just walk out of there without seizing the opportunity that she saw form in front of her.

Sylvie tilted her head in thought. "I believe there are a few of my creative contacts that may elect to have the more casual exposure at a price point your clientele might appreciate. Might you send me dimensions and images of your potential display opportunities and feature walls in order to narrow down the candidates?"

"I'm sure I can manage that." It was one less thing to worry about in regards to getting the place ready for business. "Thank you for dropping by, Miss Hardt."

"We will speak again." Sylvie assured her, before looking about to ascertain the next business to proposition for their support...


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