Obsidian Command

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First Impressions

Posted on 16 Oct 2020 @ 7:07am by Lieutenant Commander Roman Kavalar
Edited on on 16 Oct 2020 @ 11:14am

Mission: M1 - Emergence
Location: Obsidian star system outer reaches
Timeline: MD05 - 0928hrs
1078 words - 2.2 OF Standard Post Measure

Dropping out of warp back into normal space multiple bursts of dissolving warp bubbles marked the re-emergence of the collection of starships including the USS Wasp, the 7th Fire Tigers fighter squadron and the mysterious battered starship as they entered the Obsidian star system. Their travel time had been delayed by the mysterious ship which was more damaged than first thought and its warp capabilities were greatly compromised.

“Talk to me Slip, all our kitties ok?”, LtCdr. Roman Kavalar said over his shoulder in a casual tone to his TSO. Ltjg. Sebastian Geller with the call sign Slip., they were flying lead in the squadron in their Valkyrie class space superiority fighter. The fighter held a crew of two and in the hands of an experienced team like they were, they were a seamless unit as they seem to work as one as Slip replied a split second later.

“That’s a roger. Also getting a navigational beacon from the outer marker to guide us in”, Slip replied.

Roman relaxed a little, he had done this time and time again dropping out of warp with his squadron. Still this was new space for them, this new home they were heading towards, their new playground to roam space like charging horses taking in this new air so to speak. Perhaps a little melodramatic on his part, still it was a new assignment. Their scrap on the way in was unexpected or was it considering it was the Loki star sector. Something like the wild west he’d heard one of the old timers say about this sector of space, he knew westerns vids but was it that lawless out here, it seemed unlikely in this modern age.

Too many unknowns, not enough information as he shook the thoughts away mentally. More immediate and practical matters grabbed attention as the veteran pilot had Slip send out inbound advisory comms protocol to Obsidian Command.

Too soon they approached Obsidian Command, a Stardock class starbase, Roman had seen them before and they were a magnificent display of Starfleet and by extension Federation technology. Seeing them it just imbued the viewer with awe, Obsidian Command not so much. A feeling of shock turned to confusion and in some ways a hint of sadness as he noted multiple areas of damage and exposed hull plating. Starbases were like shining beacons in a sea of space with lights abound across its surface to herald a teeming population inside but here there were few lights to greet them.

“What a shit hole!”, some one said across the squadron comm channel.

“Button it up!”, Roman demanded in reply anger lacing his tone but he could see why someone might say such a thing, the OC. had been through a lot.

“Boss getting orders to proceed under manual landing procedures as their traffic control is still not operational and their shuttlebays are under repair”, Slip said.

“We can still land?”, Roman asked.

“Yes but one at a time and there’s space we can use”, his TSO. answered.

“Very good, remind OC. our visiting starship will need a place to dock and should be met with medical, engineering if they can spare it and security just in case”, Roman was still somewhat wary as to who they were.

The USS Wasp hovered long enough for the mysterious starship to dock before breaking away while the Fire Tigers and their support runabout headed to the main shuttle bay, a number of the doors were still closed but they found one entrance they could enter and slowly on thrusters were able to glide their way inside, drifting through an environmental shield and then drift their way to their designated landing areas.

Inside the shuttle bay repeated the same silent story it told on the outside, perhaps it was even worse as crews disembarked. Romans foot touched the deck plating as he dismounted from the starfighter, his boot brushing against loose debris strewn about. To be fair the debris wasn’t big in piece size but there was still a lot of it about.

No time to navel gaze, he did what he was trained to do, organise and get things done as he looked about and waved people to him. They were a small group some thirty odd personnel, pilots and their TSOs, including some of the support crew that had come along in a Danube class runabout.

Casting an eye over them he knew them all, some more than others but they knew their jobs as he cast an appraising eye over them before speaking, “Alright good to see we got here in one piece, good job but as you can see the job has just begun. Priority one, fighter crews run operational checks on your fighters and rearm and refuel, we may have to go back out at a moments notice and damned if we aren’t ready to. Maintenance crews run diagnostics and priorities any damage sustained in our last dust up, SCPO. Rhys Cooder will clear the fighter but considering the circumstances here we will likely have minimal supplies. Rhys go make friends, I saw a Vesta class starship out there, see what you can beg borrow or steal if we really need it and don’t get caught. Lt. Van Huen will be in charge while I’m off to say hello”, a faint grin appeared briefly signifying the meeting was over and they go about their business.

Roman nodded for Lt. Cedric Van Huen to stay for a moment, “Cedric, see if there are any livable quarters nearby for us, we can rough it somewhat and I want us close to our fighters, who knows how shook up this place is”.

Pale hair and clear light blue eyes nodded in understanding, “Are we the only squadron?”, Cedric asked while maintaining a neutral face.

Roman looked around, seeing some personnel in the distance, at least they weren’t alone he thought, “Good question, one of many I intend to find out. Hey just in case get a transport lock-on me from the runabout while I’m away in case I get lost or stuck somewhere ok”.

“That doesn’t sound reassuring Roam”, Cedric used Roman call sign due to their familiarity with one another over the years and it was just the two of them.

Roman shrugged, “Think the best, prepare for the worst”, as he turned and walked for the nearest exit.


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