Coming Clean.
Posted on 01 May 2024 @ 1:20am by Lieutenant JG Kastor Aslanov MD
Edited on on 01 May 2024 @ 1:22am
M4 - Falling Out
Location: Kastor Aslanov's Quarters
1200 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure
Kastor paced the room, in a slow circle. He was genuinely anxious about the call that he was about to make. He had a number of suspicions about how it would go, and he was convinced that while his mother would be happy...he'd be disappointing her deeply in such a way that he and their relationship would never recover from the blow.
Finally after dithering for another 5 minutes he raked his hands through his hair and grumbled under his breath. "Just make the call. Waiting isn't going to make it any easier."
He settled himself in the seat and then spoke, gazing out the window that vaguely pointed towards Earth.
"Computer, connect subspace transmission to Earth. Mark Personal and connect to Aslanov Residence, Seaside Villa, Vistino Russia." It was a mouthful, and by the time he was done saying it he had the picture of the place in his mind. It was a lovely place that overlooked the sea. His father had a boat, and he would go and fish for any number of things when he wasn't minding the farm. The Federation symbol shifted and the stars rotated in the blue as the call was sent and after a long moment of delay was connected.
A blonde woman with very sharp Nordic features looked at the comm system with suspicion in her dark eyes. The system was a new addition to the house, and she wasn't sure she liked it, however her face upon seeing Kastor transformed. It was akin to lighting up a candle in the dark. Something went flying out of her hand and thudded against the floor as she gestured wildly. This screen was in the kitchen, and it was clear that she was in the middle of some sort of meal prep. Steam rose from a pot behind her on a cooktop. Sliced fruit made him wonder if she wasn't making a pie. "Kastor! My baby boy! You finally call home after months and months! It is so good to see you! "
"Oh mama..." Kastor blushed at her effusive reaction and rubbed his face in embarrassment.
"You never call home, and you're so skinny! Is that why you never call me, because you know how I worry. Maybe I should come out there and bring you some proper food." She rubbed at her chin, clearly thinking about how to come right through the screen to feed him up properly.
Kastor couldn't help but laugh, and shake his head. Some things never changed, and he desperately hoped they never would. "I'd love to see you mama, anytime you want to come my door is open. Nothing replicated is the same as your cooking for sure. But, I need to tell you something, that's more important than how much I'm eating. You should get Papa too."
"More important than my baby feeding himself properly? Fine. Fine. SERGEI!" The bellow was a practiced thing, and Kastor laughed aloud again when he heard the replied curse, before a faint reply was audible, though it was impossible to make out through the comm line. He knew it was probably 'what do you want woman?' That was the usual shouted response between Mama and Papa. If he didn't know how passionately they loved one another, he would have assumed animosity rather than adoration.
"Kastor has something to tell us!"
There was a joyfilled uptick to the tone of his voice even from the distance that he was away and a few moments later Sergei Aslanov lumbered into the room his wife was still in. He was a solid man, muscled from hard work and a lineage from the area. His face was wreathed in smiles, and it was easy to tell in that moment Kastor's lineage. The doctor was a mirror of Sergei, but in Anne's coloring.
"Mama says you have something to tell us. Have you found a ladyfriend?" The gentle good humor came through the line, even with the heavy accent and it was clear that this was a longstanding joke between the two men.
"Not exactly." Kastor's face colored with embarrassment. There was no way todo this but to do it, and so he bent down to lift Milek out of his cradle and into his arms. Both faces of his parents registered the shock, but not a sound came out of either mouth despite the fact that their lips were moving.
"Allow me to introduce to you, Milek Leon Aslanov. My Son. " The your first grandson was unsaid, but clear in the hint of pride in his voice as he named him and claimed him in one sentence.
There was a long moment of silence as both grandparents stared at the tiny baby, dwarfed by Kastor's arm.
"My grandson. He has the look of you, my boy." Boris murmured as Anne still struggled with words as she stared at the baby. "Just like you had the look of me, when you were born. You had more curls though I think. " Blue eyes flickered to Anne and back to the screen "You'd best start explaining before your mother gets enough air to shriek at you."
His mother did indeed have the look of a balloon about to explode, and she turned to slap Sergei's shoulder. The thud was sufficient enough to make Kastor wince, though it didn't seem to phase Sergei at all. Her reddening face and tight lips managed to keep in her exclamation so as not to upset the baby.
"I...You remember Alice?"
"Blonde, kind of slight, totally in love with archeology? Always carried a notebook and a set of rolling bones?"
"Thats the one."
"I remember her. Quiet little thing, never really took much to us. Not very social, but beautiful. I knew why you liked her, you were always so taken by the beautiful ones." He flapped his hand at the baby. "I take it that she is his mother?"
"Yes. She..." he paused, took a breath and continued trying to hide the hurt in his tone. "Didn't tell me that she was expecting him, and has already signed away her rights to him. So, he's entirely mine. I did check paternity, not that I doubted her very much when I saw him. He' my eyes."
"I never liked her." Anne managed, her tone bitingly angry. "Kastor Boris Aslanov, you're telling me that she hid her pregnancy, delivered your baby on a transport vessel and just dropped him off without so much as a by your leave?"
"Yes." Kastor's mouth was tight as he spoke the words. There was no point in dissembling when Mama was in this mood.
"Let me guess, she's already gone?" Not waiting for an answer, Anne continued speaking "That's a cruelty I will never forgive. I shall start making him his quilt. What colors will his nursery be?"
"Uh...forest green, mint and grey."
"Good choices. Sergei, we must put together a proper care package for the boy. "
"Yes my love, I will arrange it."
With that, the talk of young Milek's mother was done, and the conversation turned to the baby, his nursery and what Kastor's plans were now that he was a father.