Obsidian Command

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Live or Die, Watch Lady Fate Make the Call

Posted on 15 Feb 2021 @ 7:00pm by Lieutenant Commander Roman Kavalar
Edited on on 16 Feb 2021 @ 9:56pm

Mission: M1 - Emergence
Location: Near space outside the OC.
Timeline: MD 07 ~ 0930
549 words - 1.1 OF Standard Post Measure

The blackness of space would reveal its secrets in moments of flaring energy bursts for the watching eyes of onlookers as the space battle continued outside the starbase. Roman could see they were out numbered and out gunned but he shrugged that off, their mission was to defend the starbase even if it meant his fighters all went down. Still it was too early to tell as he pushed that dark though to the back of his mind. There were some pluses to their present tactical situation, with every transporter ship already docked or pulling back due to damage was one less enemy shooting at them. However the Klingon birds of prey were a ever present reminder of their enemies deadly intent.

Throwing his fighter into a wider than usual elliptical loop it was time to set some immediate priorities beyond just attacking the enemy now that he'd seen the battle develop. Normally he would get insight from the CIC on what to concentrate on and what to avoid or if he was on the station and directing the fighters it would be based on a tactical overview fitting in with the overall strategy of their starbase commander. In any cases his two priorities were the boarding transporter ships and the birds of prey. Anything beyond that immediate sphere was in the realm of the other defenders of the starbase, in the end you could only do what you could do so do it well as he called the Fire Tigers play over the comms.

"Alpha and Charlie flight focus on bird of prey one and stay spry about it as their friends will want a piece of us. Bravo flight phaser fire only on the transporter ships still attacking the starbase, too dangerous to use torps due to likely collateral damage", as expected he saw on his tactical display and heard confirmations via his coms.

In response four fighters continued attacking the transporter ships, their phaser fire was relentless as they hopped from target to target sprinkling energized destruction. If Roman had had the time to spare he would of looked on with approval, still there were a lot of transporters that were attached to the starbases hull.

For the Klingon bird of prey, the one the Wasp had tagged and had taken damage in return the fighters fell on it in a continuous stream of blasting intent. The Wasp had lead the way and made a chink in its armour, the Fire Tigers came in like the two of a one-two punch and peeled it open exposing the true state of the bird of prey, it was old, poorly maintained and had seen better days, "Put a torpedo in it to tell them what we do when we're not happy", Roman said over the comms as a moment later he spied the flash of one as it struck inside the bird of prey. The effect was immediate as its hull visibly shook violently as it rippled across its length and bulged unnaturally with pieces flying off in multiple directions unable to contain the explosive forces within.

Fire Tiger 7s ID changed colour on Romans tactical display, flashing red, it was down but it was still giving off a signal, maybe the crew was still alive.


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