Obsidian Command

OC_2023.svgConflict has been more prevalent in Starfleet than exploration for the last thirty years. The peaceful ideal of exploration, while still at the heart of every Starfleet officer, has been tempered by the reality of the galaxy they live in. The Borg, the Cardassians, the Dominion, the Romulans. There’s been no shortage of enemies who wished to see the end of Starfleet and of the Federation and despite being victorious time and time again, Starfleet once more finds itself at the edge of conflict. Looking in and wondering when they’ll get back to being explorers.

The 9th ‘Obsidian Fleet’ stands at the edge of Federation space; a staging point for Starfleet, a beacon of the Federation for the local inhabitants, and a bastion against the oncoming conflicts of the sector. Deep in the Loki system, orbiting the the planet Obsidian III, is the Stardock class starbase known as Obsidian Command. From this vantage, the Joint Fleet Command sees to the leadership of the 9th Fleet and serves as the rally point for them all.

In 2395 unexplained forces drew the entirety of the Starbase into a spatial void. Crew were evacuated, supplies jettisoned and only a skeleton crew remained. Their job was to try to discover what had drawn the starbase into this void and, more importantly, manage a way to return the Station back to real space. In its absence, the sector was thrown into disarray. The balance of power between the Federation, the Romulans, and the Typhon Pact was thrown into chaos. For eighteen months this chaos continued before somehow, miraculously, the USS Vesta discovered the skeleton crew of the Starbase reaching out and devised a way to bring the Starbase back to normal space. Upsetting the balance once more, only this time in favor of the Federation.

Obsidian Command is once more the home to scientists, explorers, diplomats, warriors, shopkeepers, and the civilian families that come along with that. Here, you can find yourself face to face with the your worst enemy, or spend hours aimlessly wandering the shops and stalls of the Promenade. If you’re looking for an adventure, a quiet place to open your shop, or anything in-between, then Obsidian Command is the place for you. Join us today, and be a part of history.

Corvus DeHavilland
Commanding Officer
Obsidian Command

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