August '24 General Report
Posted on 02 Sep 2024 @ 2:33pm by Commander Calliope Zahn
Total Crew: 8
Active crew: 8
total word count: 19,715
OF Post count: 39
4.93 posts/ active player
CURRENT ROSTER (8 players)
Markus/ Sep & DeHavilland
Nikki/ Zahn
David/ Rubens
Tara/ Van Der Laar
Spiral/ Brek
Sara/ Wagner
Dresden/ Cage
Slight pick up in posting activity for August. We have a stride to hit ahead of us, I feel… Yes? No?
No changes in August.
Always taking applications!
Key Roles Available:
~Chief Operations Officer (LtCmdr or Senior Non-Com)
~Chief Tactical Officer (LtCmdr or Senior Non-Com)
~Chief Science Officer (LtCmdr or Senior Non-com)
~Chief Support Craft Pilot (LtCmdr, or Senior Non-Com)
~Chief Traffic Controller (LtCmdr or Senior Non-Com)
~Chief Dockyard Engineer (LtCmdr or Senior Non-Com)
~Team Leads in all departments (Ltjg, Lt or PO3-PO1 Non-Coms)
~Many varied specialists in multiple departments
~Civilians: all sorts!
~And possibly unique, balanced character concept pitches
If you know anyone that might like our particular flavor of RPG, please do invite them to apply!
For Player Reference The Engineering conference schedule can be found in the mission dropdown in the draft edit of a post on this site.
Various Character threads.
Pathfinder is back from patrol.
The station is bustling with arrivals to the Engineering Conference.
For the individual post summaries, please see the news item:
OF has issued a news item about OF Day Awards. The winners are on the news item and the link can be followed to read a google spreadsheet consisting of nominations (tabs on the bottom of the google sheets document open to different award categories)
Obsidian Day 2024 Awards & Nominations
And here’s a few of our own sim level awards this month! These will be entered in the record shortly. Well earned.
The Vulcan Medal of Comedy - Nikki, Endia, Dresden, Sara
“Arrivals pt 2 - Security Check” - For turning what usually is a tedious situation into a fun one, with playful and lighthearted characters whose witty banter created an amusing and thought-provoking conversation.
Vulcan Medal of Comedy - Spiral
For the post “Big Momma” - Spiral teases us with a set up that fuels a building tension only to let us laugh with relief at the reveal. Even if to the miners this is certainly no laughing matter!
Bronze Quill - David
I especially loved the twist in the last post “The Runaway: Buying Time” Where the trick technology that Fernanda used to stowaway (and a little quick thinking of her own) makes the difference for the crew of the ship she has stowed away on. Maybe I’m wrong, but I doubt this was foreseen by the author when he initially set out with his Runaway plot, and I always love the clever turn around that happens when you write yourself into a corner, and then look around to see what you already have that gets you out of the hot water you’ve boiled. This was a wonderful aha, when David made these disparate ends meet.
Silver Quill - Dresden
For a suspenseful series of posts, detailing a clever, fast paced and atmospheric investigation that took place just before Lt Cmdr Cage joined Obsidian Command.
Medal of Character II - Brek / Spiral
A year has passed since Spiral earned the Medal of Character I for her writing as Brek, and she has since given us another year’s worth of his antics in business and in his personal life, and in his past. Brek’s internal growth versus his prospects in earning latinum continue to be at odds. Even so, his humble gallery is growing in reach and notoriety on the station and Spiral uses the connections Brek can make in story to interact with the character development of others as well.
Supportive Contributor Badge -Sep/Markus
It’s been a long time running, but Markus has been writing medical personnel opposite to Calliope Zahn’s medical fallout and recovery for literal years OOC (and a whole year IC too…). In the latest post “A Splash of Motivation” Dr. Alwyn Llywd, who has been there since her lowest, isn’t just seeing her recover and checking off a chart, but trying to keep up in the next lane in the pool beside her. In a post just prior, “Refractions: My Here Comes with me Everywhere” she’s supported by Dr Corduke, and, going back a bit, there’s posts with her working through her problems in sessions with Dr. Walker. Others like Drs. Turan and Pembroke have played a part in her care, as well as the late Dr. Mazur. Markus has brought his whole host of medical characters to bear.
Thank You to everyone for sticking through a challenging summer activity period. I appreciate that several players had extra complications with health, family, travel, and work recently and that we managed to write still in spite of all that.
As the fall sets in and we all pace our lives for the coming season, hopefully it includes more regular writing and tagging too!
Category: General News