Post Summaries Jan '23
Posted on 05 Feb 2023 @ 8:07pm by Commander Calliope Zahn
Ibn Sharjar: Hangovers and Beetles
After nursing a hangover from a night of drinking with the tribesmen, Atif learns to ride an Eralsu, but first has to convince the riding beetle who's boss. (Polar)
Breckinridge: U Haul We Haul Pt 4
Moving day includes the livestock and an expert pilot is called upon for the transfer of the ducks and pigs and chickens and things. (Chistery, Polar)
Soul Searching
Brek collects seastars and trades them for a glimpse of his future. (Spiral)
Staff Meeting (key-post)
The Station XO, Zayne, explains the situation with the Pyrryx to the newest of the senior staff and calls for the civilian personnel to be locked down by Security, Tactical to meet with the Admiral, and gives the Chief Diplomat full access to the classified files on Pyrryx encounters. (Sep, Nikki, David, Aaron, Em, Chistery)
Tricky Decision
DeHavilland confers with Callum aboard the Theseus. Everyone is go to move forward and investigate the leads pointing to the Korinn homeworld, but DeHavilland gives an uncertain yes, while determined not to lose anyone on this mission. (Sep, Nikki)
A Clear Message
Corvus takes out some frustration on her Marine shadow, Major Finn, and feelings come out. (Sep)
Twenty Would be Better
Rubens considers personnel he might be able to build up his new understaffed department with and recollects Chardrin, who was once very adept at taking subtle cues in negotiations. (David)
Splendid Credential
Mrs Novikov calls on Brek again to solidify the details of her son's apprenticeship at the gallery. (Spiral)
Rubens meets with one of his assistants, Lt Khoroushi and discovers they have different approaches to the business of Diplomacy. (David, Tara)
Encounter with a Master
Brek pays a visit to an artist whom he patrons, but the patronee is not having his best of days. such is the life of an artist. (Spiral)
Two Faces in Kalara
Rubens goes where no other diplomat has gone before- directly to the Kalaran court of the ultra conservative leader, Hazami. (David, Nikki)
Lacking the Appropriate Forms
After a long journey, Moon arrives at Obsidian Command, eager to reconnect with Rice, only to be greeted by station operations with requests for residency paperwork she never thought to look into. (David)
Security Action Plan pt 5
Steiner meets up with Quinn again to test out the prototype anti-pyrryx railgun. (Polar, Nikki)
Ibn Sharjar: The Watchtower
Ibn Sharjar rides across the Oasis village and gets a sense of the place where people live and work and then dismounts to climb up to the watchtower to see across the desert. (Polar)
Category: General News