Obsidian Command

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General Report April ‘23

Posted on 11 May 2023 @ 8:53pm by Commander Calliope Zahn

April '23 General Report

Active crew: 10
total word count: 51,952
OF Post count: 104
10.39 posts/ player

Markus/ Sep & DeHavilland
Nikki/ Zahn
Polar/ Steiner & HaiRoa
Aaron/ Sikan
David/ Rubens
Tara/ Haille
Spiral/ Brek
Sara/ Wagner
Em/ Ovim
Chistery/ Tann & Zh'Athrun



Overview OOC
A really strong month. 204SPM last month was admittedly off the charts. But 104 is nothing to sneeze at either. While we had a couple of slow months over the winter, we seem to be back very strong. If we post a couple more months this high, we will inquire into into the Fleet recognition for a four month super streak (“Supreme SPM” Award). Let’s keep running naked through the streets with our writing. Metaphorically.

In terms of numbers, much of April was carried by Sep, with the plot moving to some climactic fight scenes and by Spiral as she continues to take us through Brek’s history and along with his gallery establishing himself. But we saw broader participation too, as at least one by-line from everyone on the sim was entered! Total participation. Nice. We’re really proud of the cooperation and mind melding that is happening between writers. This is one of the most challenging parts of simming- writing together and making our story imaginings all mesh. It’s not easy but it is worth it.

May should see M3 finish up and a roll out of M4. We are also looking at some ways to organize the sim to account for the higher rate of posting and help the players to track the ongoing multiple story lines more conveniently. Watch this space.

Still accepting applications!
Although there isn’t yet an active recruitment campaign, we expect to run some advertisements this summer between mission wrap up and the next story roll out.
If a prospective player has some questions about applying, please do not hesitate to join us in our discord and ask away!


For a brief summary of each post, see earlier news entry
Individual Post Summaries April '23

USS Pathfinder on Recon:
The Korin are disappointed that the away team can’t offer them immediate support against the Pyrryx enslaving their world and won’t help them fight off the Z’ala. The Irix Korin send two delegates to return with the Acamas and try to speak on behalf of the Korin to the federation.

A hurricane brewing overhead complicates everything, including still suppressing communication. And Marshal Steiner insists on a rescue attempt to recover some supposed stranded federation personnel on the way back. Steiner’s team is separated on the shore as a Pyrryx ship is detected and the Acamas has to take flight. Mid flight in the storm the Acamas discovers there are 3 of the 4 survivors aboard the pyrryx ship. They stole it and had to leave Major Wallace behind on the ground. Acamas can’t recover Wallace and Zahn orders the Acamas to return to the Pathfinder, as she can’t risk the delegates and now the children she has aboard trying to recover Steiners team or the last Sunrise survivor.

On the surface, Wallace anticipates the death blow from the pyrryx he’s been running rabbit from and making quick stabs at. But he’s spent on his two reserved adrenaline pills and is pretty shredded, his heart swells for his loved ones, he recounts his oath, and falters.

But, having disobeyed orders from DeHavilland and made their own orbital sky dive to come to aid the survivors, Major Finn and the Hoorah-boys have made short work of the hike up the volcano and then make all the difference for Wallace, their Marine brethren.

Meanwhile, separated from the Acamas, Marshal Steiner’s team picks up on a federation signal and starts a hike of their own up the mountain where they will meet up with the Demophon- the shuttle the Theseus sent to support and recover Finn’s Marines after their brazen jump.

Loki System:
Back aboard Obsidian Command, Brek and his new friend Moon have lunch and visit a rather snobbish tailors shop. The visit sets Moon off on a new path, one that will be made all the easier to follow when she finds out she is suddenly incredibly wealthy. The same visit convinces Brek he should continue with his political ambitions and stand for the position of Civilian Administrator. Limmi and Sibyl discuss the state of each other’s marriages which gives Sibyl some thinking to do.

On Loki III, Ibn Sharjar has settled into life amongst the Tej-Ka-Jalfa. After being invited to a tribal ceremony revealing much about Obsidian’s ancient past, he sets off across the harsh black-glass plains of the Lethini Deadlands on a pilgrimage to a tribal holy place. Meanwhile, Aiden Dhow takes up photography and runs across a certain little romulan girl in the Itonian Bajada settlement.

Aboard the USS Wasp, the crew has mopped up the fighters and now looks to investigate the suspicious rock in the Ort cloud. It’s unscannable and can’t be transported into, so cue a space walk. Inside, there’s curiously one high tech fighter that was not launched against the Wasp. Among all the questions that prompts the most hair raising remains to be: is there another enemy at large on the installation?

I have transferred my March bragging rights to Sep, the April Fool, er, April King of Solos.
It was very much deserved as he brought the fire and the rain for the plot, Sending Marines into battle and beginning to gradually unveil more about the enemy Pyrryx we’re up against. As always, Sep does far more than just be wordy. These are good reads.

Spiral 8,490 (5 posts)
David 1,280 (1 post)
Markus/Sep 11,965 (3 posts)
Tara 2,448 (2 posts)
Polar 3,431 (2 posts)
Nikki 1,403 (1 post)
Total solo word count: 29,017

Honorable mention: Spiral. She was killing it with backstory entries in April! 8,490 is very respectable.
“Dis”honorable mention: David and I were slackers. Sep drove us so hard to keep the lead last March we couldn’t sit over the keyboards any more in April. We was hurtin’. Wear your opponents down and then over take them. It’s a strategy.

We’ll be back. I think.

AND the new roll out of the companion to the Solo Challenge:

JP CLUB: Taggaholics Anonymous
There will be a new monthly challenge for bragging rights for all those members in a month who have a by-line in 3 or more JPs! (5 or more JP bylines for those of us on the command team). See if you can get your name on the list and a chair in the support circle. (special credit to Tara for proposing we create a JP Goal for players!)

The month of April Taggaholics are:
Sep, Nikki, & Tara
(Polar and David were almost called into the circle, but were just one JP shy each…)


To Spiral- Characterization: Backstory
Since joining the sim, Spiral has conceived of playing Brek simultaneously in the present as well as in the past. This being a character she also writes in another venue in the future yet from OC, makes even his current plotline with us itself a backstory! (backstory inception!!!) While she gradually unspools his past as a young ferengi first striking out on his own, Spiral truly takes us through his experience as a naive fortune seeker, with all of his ups and downs, and it seems that no matter what period of his life you choose to look at, Brek always has and probably always will, find himself in some entanglement or another… with the luster of latinum ever just out of his reach.

To Sep- Medal of Honor
For the post 'Fire Team' and its breath-taking action scene which depicts an encounter with the ruthless Pyrryx. It shows in great details what Marines do best, showing their bravery, courage, and dedication in minute details. A great epic read. (nominated by Spiral, seconded by Nikki)

Thank you to those who contributed to assembling this month’s metrics, summaries, quotes, awards, and reports. It truly is a joint effort and enjoyable to see these round ups and get to appreciate all we’ve done each time. With all of the contributions, I will no longer be naming these with “XO” in the title. Just like the sim, they are collaborations. Well done. ~nikki<3


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