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07 Dec 2022 @ 12:41am

Lieutenant Bayre Da'Razi

Name Bayre Da'Razi

Position Engineering Officer

Second Position Computer Systems Specialist

Rank Lieutenant

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Kerelian
Age 32

Physical Appearance

Height 6'4"
Weight 180 Lbs.
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Gray
Physical Description Lean and well-muscled. Naturally tan. Has curly brown hair that refuses to be tamed and generally looks as though he just got out of bed. Tends to run on the cold side so likes to wear layers and sweaters. Not fashion-minded, so prefers a limited color palette or calls home for advice when appearance matters.


-- Unique auditory system that minimizes noise and distortion and gives an accurate frequency response. While most humanoids hear between 20-20,000 Hz, the Kerelian range is 2-42,000 Hz. A Kerelian can hear sounds 8 times fainter than other humanoids. Pinna (the outer ear) has ridges to amplify sound waves.
-- Two sets of vocal cords producing two different sets of frequencies. Frequency ranges from about 10 to 42,000 Hz, six times greater than humanoids. The frequencies are sent to a complex set of microscopic tubes that can selectively add or subtract the frequencies resulting in an incredible range. Muscles of the larynx adjust the length and tension of the vocal folds to ‘fine tune’ pitch and tone.
-- Kerelians have two kidneys and two lungs and need both to survive. In the case of disease or injury the body can survive with one until a new one regenerated. This process takes 2-4 weeks and in the interim a prosthetic is used
-- To live in a low pressure/oxygen atmosphere Kerelians have developed a larger than normal heart and lungs. Efficient anaerobic and aerobic systems manage how oxygen is delivered to key organs and muscles. A mini organ called an Ebra augments the production of red blood cells.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Allende (Professor of Literature/Poet)
Mother Elenya N aei (Author-Mysteries)
Brother(s) Maelon (Arbitrator), Anson (Starfleet Xenobiologist), Arev (Professor of Music), Kelson (Starfleet Diplomat), and Aleran (Painter)
Sister(s) None
Other Family Many and varied

Personality & Traits

General Overview He's easily fascinated, detail-oriented, and like many highly intelligent people, capable of missing some of the more obvious facts of life. He is capable of focusing on a problem to the exclusion of everything around him and can become somewhat obsessive in his pursuit of an answer. He's a rationalist and is skeptical of pseudo-sciences such as gematria and astrology but is fairly open minded in matters of philosophy and faith.

While he has a big heart, he is somewhat wary of individuals and can be naive in his understanding of human behavior though he learns quickly once he applies his mind to the problem.

He's a gentle soul who opposes violence and cannot accept that the first or best answer to a problem is firing a phaser at it. The hardest course he took at the Academy was phaser training; he ended up with a high score, after several abysmal failures, but that's only after he found a quote by Wyatt Earp -- "Fast is fine but accuracy is everything." Still, there's a difference between hitting a target and hitting a person. He accepts the need for stun, in some cases, but that's as far as he's willing to go.

Self-reliant and speaks his mind – is very honest and doesn’t always get the political niceties.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths

-- Trained engineer with expertise in computers and applied mathematics
-- Skilled in pattern recognition and ciphers/cryptology
-- Eidetic Memory
-- Open-minded and flexible. Would much rather figure it out for himself than accept someone else’s viewpoint
-- LImited telepathy (strongest with his siblings)


-- Not always the best with time management. Can definitely get lost in the work.
-- The time he spends working tends to interfere with relationships (and to an extent, you’d have to throw yourself naked in front of him before he’d realize you were interested).
-- Day to day stuff often escapes him. He’ll work around the clock on an equation but completely forget about buying groceries, getting a haircut. That sort of thing.
-- Why is often his first question – especially when it comes to dealing with military bureaucracy and the intricacies of the mind.
-- Bit of an adrenaline junkie. Highly competitive – but only with his brothers.
Hobbies & Interests -- Bit of an adrenaline junkie and is always looking for a unique skull-worthy experience.
-- A good tenor with great range, sings acapella
-- Loves creating holograms – usually with a supernatural or horror angle – which he shares with his siblings and close friends.
-- Practices defensive Kerelian martial arts – there are two forms. The defensive form is taught to all school children, starting at the age of four, with students reaching instructor level at the age of 17 and if continued mastery shortly thereafter. The offensive form is available to students once they have reached instructor level. Bayre prefers the defensive form and is considered a Master (10th degree). He has not progressed beyond this level.
-- Rather than learn the offensive form, Bayre chose to study Mok’bara, which has become popular on Kerelia since the planet joined the Federation.
-- Reading - both fiction and non-fiction
-- Loves hiking and especially climbing
-- Extremely good at chess

Personal quirks

-- His personal holoprogram (entirely white room where whatever is written on the walls is automatically saved to his private files). He works on mathematical equations there. In the center of the room is a round, white platform. There's an embroidered pillow, done in blues and purples, and a table high enough to use while seated on the pillow. Furnishings were designed by a friend of his; food and drink are automatically provided by the program depending on the time of day (also his friend’s idea because Bayre forgets).

Personal History As one of the famous Da’Razi sextuplets, Bayre has been in the spotlight since he was born. On Kerelia, where even twins are a rare occurrence, he and his brothers were something of a phenomenon and there were always reporters looking for pictures and updates.

The boys were given bedrooms, two to a room; however, after finding them all sleeping in the same room, night after night, the bedrooms were combined into one large room with six sleeping alcoves, a long desk that can seat three aside, plenty of storage and bookcases, a fireplace, and a large open area in the center. Above the fireplace are six small shelves, each bearing a name plaque, and on the shelf labeled “Maleon” sits a large ceramic skull, painted with flowers.

The skull, their most prized possession, is actually a trophy that passes from one brother to another based on their long-standing competition. To get the skull, one of the brothers must 1) perform a daring feat that hasn’t been done before, 2) must have some unusual aspect, and 3) must be something that their former tutor, Roland Sograni, would not approve of them doing. Everyone has to agree for the award to be made; in the case of a tie, the housekeeper, Elleran, is the deciding vote. Elleran is also the one who moves the skull from one shelf to another.

There were personal tutors and a number of field trips but there was also abundant free time. The estate was large, and they knew every inch of it. Over the years, the brothers built any number of forts (with construction improving through experimentation and procurement of better supplies) and rafts; they waged battles, calling themselves the ‘pirate kings of Aggador’, against invading forces (often imaginary but once, against a group of townies who were trying to bully Arev). They planned raids, usually on baking day, and, in keeping with Kerelian traditions, sang a cappella for their parents' frequent guests. In fact, the brothers often sang to their mother (and yes, a time or two, those songs were somewhat strategic – because how can you be angry about some flowers getting trampled when your sons were singing to you [at least that was the theory]).

As they got older, their individual interests began to manifest – tutors were employed to encourage them. While Bayre enjoyed singing and, like his brothers, had a good voice, his real interests were applied mathematics and computers. They would always be best friends, their lives closely intertwined, but they were also beginning to separate as their interests made them more individual.

They spent nights camping out, looking up at the stars, and talking about their futures. A million possibilities were discussed and discarded. As they neared their eighteenth birthday, they spent one last weekend camping and it was there, around the fire, that the final decisions were made. Maelon would attend university on Kerelia because his interest had always been in the law. Arev would join him there because he wanted to study music as would Aleran who wanted to study art. Anson, Kelson and Bayre chose to enter Starfleet – Anson to study xenobiology, Kelson, with his interest in rituals and culture, wanted to be a diplomat, and Bayre, well, he just wanted to work on computers – the more alien, the better.
Service Record 2379-2383: Attended Starfleet Academy, Computers/Engineering

His first year at Starfleet Academy, he made a small circle of friends. There were late night discussions over pizza where they explored their ideas and debated philosophy and theory. His roommate introduced the idea of a Friday night movie, and it was there that he developed his interest in the horror genre. Because they debated everything, conversations eventually turned toward making a superior horror movie and from there, to making an interactive horror experience.

And then there was the incident, the one that caused one of his friends to drop out of the Academy. Took some time to work it out. What had been done to her. He became infamous for a bit of code that was inserted into the replicator system at the Academy. For twenty-four hours, when the particularly nasty individual who had hurt his friend tried to order food, all he could get was plomeek soup. The code removed itself automatically but was reintroduced when the system was rebooted. At the end of the second day, the code auto deleted from the root sector, and he would have gotten away with it. Instead, he turned himself in and the investigation led to uncovering the individual's pattern of harassment with females in the class. His friend never came back to the Academy.

Won the skull for bungee jumping while wearing a duck suit but lost it later that year to Arev who went wakeboarding dressed in a replica of their mother’s bridal dress.

2383-2395: USS Faraday, Engineering Officer

When an alien presence infiltrated the ship's computer system, wrote an algorithm, inserted through a maintenance port for a lesser used system, that gave command a back door into the system and the computer instructions that prevented the alien presence from taking actions that would harm the crew.

With the transporters offline for maintenance and the turbolift stopped between floors, climbed a turbolift shaft, while several crewmembers were trapped in the turbolift above him, to effect repairs on the braking system.

During off-duty time, with a friend in the Science department, responsible for the construction of a translation matrix for a long-dead language. The work took over a year to finish and while, rudimentary in nature, garnered interest by archeologists. Enhancements were suggested and, through collaboration, the matrix was improved and made available to students studying the language.

The Faraday discovered a derelict vessel, thought to be from an unknown race, and Bayre was tasked with rigging the vessel for travel back to the nearest Starbase. The engineering team that Bayre oversaw converted the ventilation system for oxygen, made repairs to the engine, and installed a control interface that could be managed by humanoid crew members.

2396: Obsidian Command