Crew Awards
Service Marker - 6 months For six months of membership on the simulation. Awarded once. |
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Service Marker - 1 year Awarded to writers who have served on the sim for one year. Awarded once. |
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Service Marker - 2 years Awarded to writers who have served on the sim for two years. Awarded once. |
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Service Marker - 3 years Awarded to writers who have served on the sim for three years. Awarded once. |
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Mission One - Emergence Awarded for participating OC's first mission - Emergence. |
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Mission Two - Sanctuary Awarded for participating OC's second mission - Sanctuary. |
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Mission Three - Into the Deep Awarded for participation in Mission Three - Into the Deep |
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Captain's Personal Merit An award specifically granted by the GM for any reason the GM sees fit, usually pertaining to simming contributions OOC such as playing a key activity role, showing exemplary attitude or any other singular occasion the GM finds should be distinguished. Reasons to be cited. |
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Community Engagement Ribbon This player shows continued presence in the RPG community, building out-of-character camaraderie and welcoming and engaging others. The player is available and approachable and makes the game a delight overall. (OOC only: Sim, Fleet, or Inter-organization community activity) |
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Kindness Ribbon More subtle than other notable acts, kindness is no less commendable. Often displayed through befriending others, being a good listener, offering encouragement, reaching out to strangers, or other quiet but honorable actions, acts of kindness deserve recognition, even if the kind heart is likely to demur. (OOC) |
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Volunteer Award For the player who makes a significant personal gift of time and effort to lend a hand to the sim's command staff, to volunteer to the simming community, or contribute to the development of resources. |
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Personal Development Award This award will be given to the player who shows personal growth or self improvement OOC. This might be demonstrated in increased participation, writing or storytelling mechanics, building collaborative community, or branching out of the player's comfort zone into new themes or character types. |
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Meritorious Newcomer Award This award will be given to the newcomer who puts in the most effort to be a valuable addition to the game, right from the start. |
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Constellation Prize This ribbon is available for a constellation of various small but noteworthy story or in character actions, to be detailed in the award description. |
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Bronze Quill Medal For creativity in a single idea, single post or small thread (less than five). It recognizes a writers development of imaginative new ideas, fantastical settings, enchanting original cultures, clever twists, or surprising solutions in the story line. |
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Silver Quill Medal For the creation of a significant story thread (3-15 posts) or serial creative idea and/or theme, a recognition of a writer’s ability to craft creative scenes with themes, characters, and/or situations that develop or interconnect across a stretch of posts. |
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Gold Quill Medal For the exemplary creation and commitment to a detailed serial thread (more than 10 posts) or serial creative idea and/or theme that appears consistently over the course of time. It can connect with or affect the main mission or be a solo or small group effort aside from other plot or story development. |
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Wordsmith Medal for Personification This award is to celebrate a writer’s well-executed character across a significant time. Maintaining such a unique voice or particular set of qualities takes more of "getting into character" than the average portrayal. Can be for both PCs and NPCs. |
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Wordsmith Medal for Narrative Voice For those who excel at crafting the voice of a post. This skill is an important element in writing. Through careful word selection or syntax, the writer has provided a rhythm to a story or expressed an emotion that created a strong response in the reader. Sample post(s) required. |
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Wordsmith Medal for Descriptive Writing This recognition is to be bestowed on writing that makes details shine, beyond just being wordy. It could be the details have payoffs or serve as revelation in the story, rewarding attentive readers. Or the detail could be word paintings that set memorable scenes or serve an important role in mood setting. Specific references to post(s) featuring the particular details being rewarded are required. |
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Diversity Ribbon In the interest of diversity, this award is granted to individuals who have done an exemplary job writing and developing their non-human characters. This award can also be used to commend contributions that support other diversity factors, including race, gender identity, ethnicity, and more. |
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The Chorus Medal Awarded to writers who craft NPCs that have major supporting roles or who become as important as the PCs, equally critical to the great storytelling on the simm. |
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Introspective Star An introspective award, particularly for solo written work illustrating or developing the inner life of a character (include example posts in nomination) |
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Master Worldbuilder Medal For efforts exceeding a well designed backdrop in a few posts or colorful singular arrangements. This award recognizes the marriage of planning and storytelling: world crafting merged within story which goes beyond just exposition. True master worldbuilding involves things such as geography, flora and fauna, arts and culture, history, myths, politics, faiths, key figures and events, and much more. The Master Worldbuilder serves as a guide, inviting readers to walk through and experience places we can only visit in the Worldbuilder’s imagination as it is shared with us. |
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Characterization: backstory This recognizes a player for detailed attention given to the illumination of the history of a character, bringing to light the scenarios that make the character what they are today, for better or for worse. |
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Supportive Contributor Badge For the joint poster who makes a great companion or even the soloist who works with the hooks of other writers. These writers know how to take a ball and run with it or throw a momentous story pass. A supportive writer takes cues inside of the collaborative work and makes those opportunities flourish with their own imaginative contributions, ultimately leaving the whole greater than its parts. |
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Technical Excellence Cross To be awarded for writing that highlights technical descriptions and nuance, especially within a particular field or study. Though it can be fictionalized and not necessarily applicable in the real world, the work awarded should lend credibility within the story and not dodge the scene by glossing over or handwaving the technical aspects. This can include but is not limited to- technobabble, medical procedure, flight maneuvers, legal proceedings, theoretical conceptualizations, philosophy, statecraft and much more. |
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Sim Feature Post This award is to recognize posts made in the spirit of holidays, specific genres, strong mood pieces, and other themes that may be named in the award description. These should be creatively unique, quality posts that make good reading and good use of the theme at hand. While they may be part of a bigger story, they should make good stand alone reads, out of the context of the sim. (this award is sim level, Post Spotlight is fleet level) |
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Medal of Character I Awarded for moments of notable character development. |
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Medal of Character II Awarded for the development of a character, particularly work on a character arc. Through interactions with others and their experiences, the author has deftly grown the character from who they were. |
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The Vulcan Medal of Comedy Whether awarded for a moment of levity, a bemusing character, a funny post, or a lighthearted storyline, this award is meant to help us all remember that a bit of light-heartedness goes a long way; even in the face of danger. |
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The Heraldic Shield of Valor This medal is awarded for the demonstration of bravery and valor in the heat of combat or in exceptional acts of heroism or sacrifice, earned in both the actions of the character(s) and the craft of the storyteller relating those acts. |
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The Red Heart of Romance For recognition of high quality posts in the theme of romantic love. |
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Nomination Commendation To enter on the sim’s record unelected nominations of our players who were entered for awards and contests at the fleet or inter-fleet community level. (OOC) |
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Obsidian Fleet Spotlight Spotlights are news features on the fleets front page. Anyone may elect a post or character to be spotlighted at anytime. Doing so promotes the best of our sim and helps showcase fleet activity. OF Post Spotlight: Highlighting a post that has notable qualities causing it to stand out. Nomination should include some explanation for the selection. OF Character Spotlight: Featuring a Character from the sim (PC, PNCP, or Recurring NPC). Character needs to have a bio on the sim. Should include a description of the character and a couple of paragraphs of what makes the character stand out, a link to the bio, and 2-5 posts to showcase the character. Sim Spotlight: If selected, all active players at the time of award will receive a commemorative record entry. |
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Obsidian Fleet's Bronze Star A player who demonstrates supreme postings, posts often, and plays his/her character “to the hilt” will receive this award. Potentially nominated by anyone at any time, this is reviewed and awarded by taskforce level or higher for exemplary service, community engagement, and/or an overall good example of a model player. |
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Obsidian Fleet's Silver Star A player who demonstrates supreme postings, posts often, and plays his/her character “to the hilt” will receive this award. Potentially nominated by anyone at any time, this is reviewed and awarded by taskforce level or higher for exemplary service, community engagement, and/or an overall good example of a model player. Must have previously received a Bronze Star. |
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Obsidian Fleet's Gold Star A player who demonstrates supreme postings, posts often, and plays his/her character “to the hilt” will receive this award. Potentially nominated by anyone at any time, this is reviewed and awarded by taskforce level or higher for exemplary service, community engagement, and/or an overall good example of a model player. Must have previously received a Bronze and Silver Star. |
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Obsidian Fleet's Oustanding Recognitions To denote the awardees of any of Obsidian Fleet's "Outstanding" Recognitions (besides those named under the Golden Padds). These may Include such award titles as: Outstanding Post, Outstanding GM, Outstanding aGM, Outstanding Character, or any similarly titled recognition. Nominations for Outstanding Awards can be sent to the Task Force Director for review and approval by any member, at any time. These are also known as "Group Awards" on the Fleet site, for which there is a submission form under resources links. |
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Obsidian Fleet's Golden Padd To denote OC writers as winners of writing recognitions at the Fleet level (OOC) |
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Obsidian Fleet's JFC Recognition To denote OC members selected at Fleet level under JFC’s recognition program (OOC) |
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Limited Issue Award This Award is really a category of award, for the purpose of cataloging uniquely titled recognitions which are specially issued on a one time or limited issue basis. Please include the title of the award and any additional information in the citation which would be included in an award description. If entered retroactively, include the date issued. |
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