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03 Sep 2022 @ 12:14pm

Yishara Vahl - Sodril's Social Club

Name Yishara Vahl - Sodril's Social Club

Position Proprietor

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Trill (Joined)
Age 34 (279)

Physical Appearance

Height 157
Weight 57
Hair Color Brunette
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Yishara is completely unimposing, her small diminutive frame would make her easy to overlook if it weren’t for her personality filling the room. One mostly remembers her for the dimples when she smiles (which she does a lot) and the eccentric way she dresses. One day she shows up in an extravagant dress, the other she has an archaic tailored suit, usually in pronounced colours. She likes to accessorise her hair, but mostly wears it in a messy bun or untied, for ease of upkeep.


Father Kedrum Mirs
Mother Sodril Mirs (Deceased)
Brother(s) Muban Mirs

Personality & Traits

General Overview What Yishara lacks physically she makes up in force of personality. She exudes confidence and charisma and easily makes superficial connections with many people, though in doing so she always makes sure to focus on the other person not allowing anyone closer than she’s comfortable with (which is to say; not very close at all). She’s witty and has a sharp tongue, which she often gets away with due to her stature. The symbiont committee, and all the preparatory schools she attended, instilled a need to allow the symbionts to learn and experience new things and some days it seems like Yishara takes that to the extreme.
Strengths & Weaknesses Yishara seems relentlessly optimistic and carefree, nothing seems to bother her or throws her for a loop. She knows how to make people feel at ease, even though in conversations she can get slightly too familiar with people too quickly. While she tends to dive into deeply personal conversations with strangers and has no trouble putting them at ease to share things they normally wouldn’t, she also just as easily forgets the details from those talks a week later (or confuses them for others she’s had). The obsessive drive to experience new things makes it difficult to commit to anything, like relationships, work, hobbies, a favourite breakfast cereal.
Ambitions Never one to get tied down to anything Yishara would say her only ambition is to live life to the fullest and experience something new every day. A more hidden ambition is to find those involved with the murder of her mother and bring them to justice.
Hobbies & Interests There have been a thousand different hobbies and interests that have come and gone in Yishara’s life, but the one thing that she’s relying on right now is her love of food. She loves experiencing new dishes and experimenting with new ingredients, even though some of her fusion creations are doomed to fail. She’s particularly fond of party snacks.

Personal History Like many Trill Yishara’s biggest goal was to be considered a viable host for a Trill symbiont. To reach this goal she dove head first into a varied curriculum and extra-curricular activities. With the help of her diplomatic ambassador father, she was able to travel the alpha quadrant to meet with new cultures and expand her horizons, giving her a leg up over some of the competition once she applied to the symbiosis programme when she turned 16. Due to the many contacts, she had made she had developed a personality that was easy to get along with and like, and even though she was a bit of a loner due to not having stayed in any particular place long enough to lay down roots she made up for it by making new connections quickly.

When she was halfway through the programme her mother was kidnapped by Nausicaans, making demands on her father to drop negotiations with a prospective new Federation member. He refused to step back relying on Starfleet to rescue his wife. The attempt to rescue her failed and to add insult to injury the Nausicaans sent the disembodied head of her mother to Yishara’s dorm room. It was something so traumatising that she was immediately put on medical leave from the symbiosis programme and went into therapy for two years.

During the therapy, she was mostly focusing on forgiving her father, something that was difficult for her to do and it actually resurfaced a lot of resentment towards him for always putting his job over his family, even though it had given her a leg up in a world where everyone was striving to be unique and experienced and exotic. As a part of her healing process, she explained all of this to her father and forgave him for his role in the death of her mother. Another aim of the therapy was to make her focus on the positives in life, the wonder of a vast galaxy filled with aliens, and she actually met with a couple of Nausicaans to break her stereotypical view of them.

When she was deemed fit enough to dial back therapy she reapplied to enter the symbiosis programme. Nobody gave her a chance at a symbiont anymore, but she was allowed to re-enter the programme. She was put through rigorous psychological profiling and stress testing and was able to convince them the whole event had left her scarred but sound of mind. By her final year, and during the time with her field docent was able to convince them that the entire ordeal had actually strengthened her and prepared her for being joined with a symbiont, who was sure to have had traumatic experiences of their own.

With a positive recommendation and an exemplary record, despite some concerns with the committee, Yishara was put on the shortlist to be joined with a symbiont. Within three months she was joined with the Vahl symbiont. Immediately after joining she broke off all contact with her father, something that she ascribed to a change in personality due to the joining but between them was clearly due to continued unresolved issues over the death of her mother.

Free from bonds and with a decree to ‘accumulate experiences’ for the Vahl symbiont she carried inside of her Yishara set off to travel the stars. She didn’t have a clear plan and relied on a long history of experiences to make her way through the Alpha Quadrant. She earned a living as a jack of all trades but never stuck around long enough to become the master at any. The only constant in her newfound vagabond lifestyle was food. She worked in all sorts of jobs in restaurants to make a living, from host to kitchen help to line cook, but whatever her official job description she always quickly rolled into an organisational role helping whatever restaurant or bar owner in organising their administration, something she had gotten quite good at thanks to Vahl’s experience as an accountant in a previous life. She also tapped into the symbiont's other experiences to organise parties and official gatherings.

The levity of her life came to a screeching halt when the Hobus supernova plunged the quadrant into crisis. Despite her always carefree attitude she felt like she should do something to help out the Romulan refugees. She volunteered at an relief organisation, but without much of a formal education was put into menial roles, dragging crates, distributing food and medicine, building temporary homes. During her time here she got into contact with the Fenris Rangers, and she sometimes helped them redistribute some of the relief packages but never got further involved with the organisation (despite some insistence). When her contact was flushed out she broke off all contact with elements of the Rangers.

Copying her youth, she never stuck around long enough to root anywhere, and had no ambition of doing so until her latest boss pointed out an opportunity on Obsidian Command. It was a perfect place for someone to start a business as the commercial spaces came cheap after recent events and it was in an area of space that interested Yishara.