Obsidian Command


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All missions under the command of Captain Corvus DeHavilland

Group Post Count: 838

Included Missions

M1 - Emergence

Post Count: 103

After 18 months in a spatial void, Obsidian Command returns to normal space.

M2 - Sanctuary

Post Count: 161

After the station was sabotaged, and taken offline, Starfleet came to the rescue. Now the crew of Obsidian Command has brought the station fully online and is now beginning the long, slow process of rebuilding. Both inside and out.

M3 - Into the Deep

Post Count: 305

Captain DeHavilland and the crew of the Pathfinder found the debris of a strange bit of wreckage.

M4 - Falling Out

Post Count: 269

The USS Pathfinder returns to Obsidian Command with a boatload of issues for the UFP and Starfleet to face... both from within and without. The station plays host to the discussions.

M5 - Unchained

Post Count: 0