Obsidian Command

M4 - Falling Out

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The USS Pathfinder returns to Obsidian Command with a boatload of issues for the UFP and Starfleet to face... both from within and without. The station plays host to the discussions.

Mission Group DeHavilland
Start Date 09 Aug 2023 @ 12:26pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
Polite Talk
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Admiral Zavareh Sepandiyar
MD 27 ~1130Hrs (just before opening ceremonies) OC, Engineering Conference
by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
MD27 - Around 1200 OC - Engineering Conference
Captive Considerations
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Commander Thaddeus Zayne
MD 26, Evening - Immediately Following A Needle In a Stack of Needles OC, Security Decks, The Brig
by Chief Petty Officer Ibis Xeri & Olivia Winetrout & Major Porter Wallace & Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
Immediately following Picture Day OC, Environmental Deck
A Dark Place
by Commander Thaddeus Zayne
Backpost - 2388 Kotanos - Orrudian System
Wandering Minds
by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
MD27 late morning OC - Holodeck and Engineering Conference
Admirals, Romulans, Pyrryx and Politics
by Lieutenant Commander Maurice Rubens & Captain Corvus DeHavilland
M4 - MD26 - 1000 HR Captain's Office
Hard to Get: Shell Game
by Commander Calliope Zahn
Concurrent with OC current events Valus Six, Novex Colony
Broken Dreams
by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
Backstory: Winter 2380 Alpha Quadrant - FenixCorps Mining Operation & Deal Breaker Ferengi Vessel
by Chief Petty Officer Ibis Xeri
Morning MD27 (??) - Immediately Following "Proper Channels" OC, Command Deck, CMC HaiRoa's Office
Sicut Principium (Just the Beginning)
by Lieutenant Commander Dresden Cage
MD26 - Morning | This series of posts is prior to "Arrivals" posts, and prior to "A Needle in a Stack of Needles" Chief of Security Office, Command and Control Center
Something Fishy
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Senior Deputy Marshal: Sven-Erik Lofthammer - FMS & David Minton
MD27 late morning OC, Engineering Conference
Trucking down lost things
by Lieutenant JG Hannah Wagner & Lieutenant Commander Christophe Leblanc
Sick Bay - ACMO office
Proper Channels
by Chief Petty Officer Ibis Xeri
Morning MD27 (??) OC, command offices
Changing of the Guard - pt 3
by Lieutenant Sibyl Danzer & Commander Thaddeus Zayne & Lieutenant Commander Dresden Cage
MD26 - Morning | This series of posts is prior to "Arrivals" posts, and prior to "A Needle in a Stack of Needles"
Hard to Get: The Full Moons
by Commander Calliope Zahn
Concurrent with OC current events Valus Six, Novex Colony
Artistic Expression
by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
Conversations Over Coffee
by Lieutenant JG Kastor Aslanov MD & Ensign Amelia "Mia" Estasi
Picture Day
by Chief Petty Officer Ibis Xeri & Olivia Winetrout & Major Porter Wallace
Wallace Family Quarters
Study Break
by Olivia Winetrout
Legal Advice
by Commander Calliope Zahn & A'Koja Dea - Private Investigator
A Needle In A Stack of Needles
by Captain Corvus DeHavilland & Captain Carwyn Bowdler & Commander Thaddeus Zayne & Commander Róisín O'Damhain
MD26 - 1730 HRS Obsidian Command
A Place for Reflection
by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
Morning MD27 Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
Changing of the Guard - pt 2
by Lieutenant Sibyl Danzer & Lieutenant Commander Dresden Cage
MD26 OC, Senior Officer's Quarters
Changing of the Guard - pt 1
by Lieutenant Sibyl Danzer & Lieutenant Commander Dresden Cage
MD 26 OC, shuttle bay

Mission Summary