Up to speed on the Dockyard
Posted on 24 Jun 2023 @ 3:01pm by Lieutenant Commander S'Jath
Edited on on 06 Feb 2024 @ 10:31pm
M3 - Into the Deep
Location: Engineering Administration Offices
Timeline: M3 D12 0910Hrs
1446 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure
A Yeoman was seated at a desk in the reception area. She consulted her terminal as the unknown Officer entered. Her newly arrived personnel list had been updated earlier, she quickly scanned the pictures and recognized one as matching the Human infront of her.
“Good morning, you would be Lieutenant Johnson? Identification and transfer orders please” She requested, holding out a hand.
"Yes, I'm Lieutenant Johnson, formerly of Starbase 74." Samual replied as he handed the Yeoman his ID card and Orders.
The Yeoman compared his documents with her records, satisfied she said. “Please take a seat Sir, Commander S’Jath will be here shortly.”
"Thank you, Yeoman." Samual said and went to sit down in the waiting area. As he waited, he looked around scanning for any obvious differences, he found the area was practically identical to the ones he was already familiar with from Starbase 74.
Some ten minutes later a tall grey-haired Vulcan entered, he was wearing Engineering coveralls, they were marked and stained, with patches on the knees, clearly well used and heavy safety boots He wore a toolbelt around his waist and carried a toolbox in one rather grubby hand.
"Commander, this is Lieutenant Johnson" The Yeoman informed him "New Dockyard Project Manager" Holding out Johnson's transfer PADD.
The Vulcan took it, and nodded to Johnson, "Come with me Lieutenant"
He led the way back and entered an office; a plaque next to the door read Assistant Chief Engineer Lieutenant Commander S’Jath
The office was large, and uncharacteristically cluttered for a Vulcan’s domain. A desk was to the left, relatively clear except for a large stack of PaDDs; the wall opposite the door was a wide expanse of windows, looking out on to the Alpha spacedock and the main construction and repair dockyard.
Beyond the window several ships were in various stages of work attended by a swarm of Environment-Suited Engineers and Workbees.
A work bench ran along the wall below the windows, S’Jath crossed to it placed his toolbox down, unhooked his tool belt and laid that on the bench too. He pumped several squirts of hand cleaner form a dispenser on the bench onto his hands and wiped them clean on a disposable towel., which he tossed in the recycling slot.
The center of the office held a large holographic projection table, above it hung several ships, perfectly detailed translucent miniatures. The display mimicked the full-sized vessels laying out in the dockyard. The system slowly cycled through the repair and construction process for each one.
The right wall was one large display screen, broken down into perhaps a dozen smaller displays, some listed component inventories, others were project graphs assigned to various ships; still others showed construction diagrams and blueprints.
Below the screen was a conference table and six chairs. “Please take a seat Lieutenant” S’Jath said to Johnson, as he finished cleaning his hands.
Samual sat down at the table briefly scanning the room he wondered why it was so cluttered when it was occupied by a Vulcan. Finally, he focused on the screen wondering which project he would be working on at this time tomorrow.
S'Jath stepped out of his boots, peeled off his coveralls, put on a pair of Vulcan open-toed slippers and came over to the table. Sitting down he perused Johnson's orders.
"Why Obsidian Command Lieutenant?" He asked, without looking up
Samual thought for a moment "I heard Obsidian Command was understaffed and looking for dockyard engineers and I was looking for more of a challenge and more opportunity for growth."
S'Jath nodded and looked up, eyes focusing on Johnson over the PaDD. "We are indeed short of personnel, at all grades, from the top down. We have no Chief Engineer, nor a Chief of Dockyard Operations.
For a division with a designated complement of seven thousand, three hundred and seventeen personnel, as of today, with your arrival, we are at three thousand, one hundred and twelve.
We are thus at less than fifty-percent of nominal staffing, but with a full workload.
Thus, I believe we will provide you with ample challenges and all the potential for growth, you can handle Lieutenant." There was the slightest twist at the corner of the Commander's mouth, then his eyes went back to the PaDD.
He read for a moment, then looked up again. "Graduated Starfleet Academy, Class of Eighty-Six, why Engineering Lieutenant?"
Samual nodded and explained. "I was born aboard USS Galaxy and spent a decent bit of my childhood there, my father was one of the ship's engineers. I was always fascinated by the ship and its systems.
As I grew up my fascination with technology remained, I would tinker with small gadgets when I could and study any technical specifications I could find.
When I was admitted to the Academy, I felt that Engineering was an obvious choice."
S'jath nodded, "And tell me about the experience you have gained operationally..."
"After graduation, I was assigned to the Intrepid class, USS Pioneer, as the Propulsion Systems Engineer. I cross-trained and helped out where I could, after a couple of years I was made assistant chief. Eventually the Pioneer had an incident due to faulty relays installed during a layover. There were casualties, and the ship was crippled, we had to be towed back to Starbase 74 by the Endeavor.
I transferred to the Starbase 74 dockyard crew as a Project Manager. My first project as PM was actually to supervise the remaining repairs to the Pioneer. I emphasize quality control quite heavily; I know firsthand that people can die, and ships can be crippled because of sloppy work. I got a good grip on the bureaucracy of keeping a project working, all the scheduling, part requisitions, and reports. I also logged a lot of time in zero-g.
I gained a good reputation as a Project Manager on Starbase 74 but in the end, I feel there wasn't the room for growth that is here on Obsidian Command."
Samual finished, glancing for a moment as a workpod passed by not far from the window.
S'Jath nodded and put down the PaDD. "It would appear you have the requisite skills we require. Although, I note you managed only a passing grade in Flight Control. That will need to be something we rectify, part of your duties will involve test flights and shake-downs on starships. I will arrange with Station Flight Operations for additional instruction.
As I previously stated, the Engineering and Dockyard divisions are both short of personnel. With no Chief of Dockyard Operations you will be the ranking senior officer within the division, and thus, like myself, will need to carry out the Dockyard administration functions in addition to your regular duties. Is that clear?"
Samual nods and replies. "Yes sir."
"Good, any questions regarding those duties?" S'Jath quirked an eyebrow
"Do we have dockyard administrative staff available to help keep things flowing?" Samual asks while looking at the status screens.
"I believe the Chief of Dockyard Operation's Yeoman is in post, along with some support personnel. You will find their details in the Dockyard Personnel directory" S'Jath replied and continued.
"Furthermore, the station is on Sigma Alert status. I will arrange for Security to brief you into the reasons for that, but there is a potentially imminent threat to this station you need to be aware of."
The Vulcan then gestured to the spacedock interior beyond the window. "As you can observe we have a number of craft undergoing maintenance. I will have a full schedule sent to you”
He handed over a PaDD. "But you may begin with this one, USS Casablanca. The propulsion refit work is behind schedule, this is a priority project.
The targeting and weapons computer functions require an urgent upgrade. Liaise with Commander Rochambeau, the Casablanca’s Chief of Security.
In the event of a combat emergency we may need to tow the ship out of the dockyard to operate as a stationary battery in defense of the station."
S'Jath steepled his fingers "Any further questions Lieutenant?"
"No sir, it sounds like I better get to work." Samual answered while looking over the PaDD: Inquiry class QSD refit would take some time to get on schedule, the technology is still in its infancy, but the targeting and weapons computer upgrades should be feasible.
S'Jath nodded. "Very good Lieutenant, keep me informed. Welcome aboard Obsidian Command"
"Thank you, sir." Samual nodded and stood to leave the office, heading for the Dockyard Administration area. This was going to be a long day.