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Diversity Ribbon

In the interest of diversity, this award is granted to individuals who have done an exemplary job writing and developing their non-human characters. This award can also be used to commend contributions that support other diversity factors, including race, gender identity, ethnicity, and more.

Category: In character
Awarded: 3 times

Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
08 Sep 2023 @ 10:23pm
In the solo vignette, “We Are One”, Spiral shows that she can bring the same insight, voice, and finesse to writing a Vulcan as she has demonstrated in writing Ferengi.
Captain Corvus DeHavilland
05 Oct 2022 @ 7:15pm
In a fictional world where it might be easy to water down our global heritages and create an average amalgamation of ‘human’, Sep maintains distinctive human characters, particularly surrounding their earth related roots and shares his love of ethnic expression. He has a high level of detail and respect in his portrayals with PCs and NPCs alike. There is nowhere a human lands in any of his posts where the spice of cultural variety isn’t at least sprinkled. If anything, Sep uses the fictional window into alienness and turns it back on Sol for us to reconnect with ourselves.
Commander Calliope Zahn
11 Mar 2021 @ 10:22am
People normally write Orion's in a certain way and there is no moving from that way. Calliope rips up that rule book and eats it for breakfast showing the struggles of a character who is pretty much destroying themselves for the greater good. I have never met a character done in such a way that I feel I could just hug her up and tell her everything would be alright in the end. The post Ghostly Comforts is a post that will stay with me for a very long time.