Arrow in the 10 Ring
Posted on 19 Oct 2022 @ 6:21pm by Senior Chief Petty Officer Lex Navine & Chief Warrant Officer Braedyn Tann
M3 - Into the Deep
Location: Loki Sector, Arrival at Obsidian Command
Timeline: MD05 1420HRS
1373 words - 2.7 OF Standard Post Measure
Chief Warrant Officer Braedyn Tann sat at the helm of the Arrow Class Runabout Howard Hill. The vessel was named after a 20th Century competitive archer who was widely considered, and often introduced as, The World's Greatest Archer. CWO Tann was serving as pilot-in-command, while Flight Control Specialist 2nd Class S'Resh, a young Caitian flight petty officer was his co-pilot.
Braedyn had 50 years of service in Starfleet as a pilot, a dozen years with the Nyberrite Alliance as a pilot, and 44 years as a civilian pilot. He'd fought as a privateer for the Nyberrite, he was a veteran of the Cardassian Border Wars, the Federation-Klingon War, and the Dominion War. In addition, Braedyn was a top graduate of Starfleet's prestigious Test Pilot School and had served as a test pilot. In fact, Braedyn had served as a test pilot on the Arrow Class Runabout project. Braedyn's last assignment had been Flight Instructor and Combat Flight Instructor at Starfleet Academy, Starfleet Enlisted Academy, and the Starfleet and Federation Marine Flight Warrant Officer Program. In fact, S'Resh had been one of his best students, both at the enlisted academy, and just recently, as the Caitian pilot got checked out on the Arrow Class.
S'Resh had a bit of a ways to go before he'd really be ready to fly as pilot in command for an extended journey. He needed both more experience and a higher rank. Still, the young man was a very competent pilot, so Braedyn had been supervising the Caitian as he performed most of the duties of pilot in command. Since they were alive, with no hull breaches, and they hadn't crashed into a planet yet, Braedyn felt things were going very well.
A telltale went off and S'Resh silenced it. "We've arrived at the Loki system, Sir," he said. "Bringing us out of warp in three, two, one, mark."
"Very smooth, FC2, very smooth," Braedyn said. Activating the comms, Braedyn contacted Obsidian Command Tower. "Obsidian Command Tower, this is the Arrow Class Runabout Howard Hill , Chief Warrant Officer Braedyn Tann Pilot-in-Command. We've entered the Loki System and we're on approach. Sending our orders over to you now and requesting bay number for landing."
After a pause, the comms screen flickered alive with Starfleet and Obsdian command spinning logos, each resolving to the view of the station's CiC, backdropping a man, goat-like in his features, with a cleft indent from his upper lip through his nose and, squat shaped pupils. He even sported a grey streaked beard which he stroked as he blinked slowly at the screen, taking in the return image of the Warrant Officer. The Grazerite's horns, however, were traditionally hooded.
"Welcome to the Loki system, Chief Tann. This is Senior Chief Lex-Navine in Tower Control. Your orders have been received and your security code checks. We have been expecting you as per the flight plan for the Hill. Please be advised, Obsidian Command is currently under a Sigma level Yellow Alert. According to protocol, you will momentarily observe a fighter escort which will continue with you in-system." Here the graying grazerite seemed to chuckle soundlessly. "Considering your experience, I'm sure you will help them along safely. Shuttle Bay delta-eight is prepared to receive you."
"Obsidian Tower, Howard Hill," Braedyn said. "Acknowledged. Will rendezvous with fighter escort before proceeding to Shuttle Bay Delta Eight." Then he grinned. "And don't worry. Your fighters are in good hands with us. We'll escort them back to base safe and sound. Or as safe be with the base on alert. Can you give me any details?"
Chief Lex-Navine seemed to recline as if he was accustomed to explaining the situation. "Since earlier this week, the 9th Fleet has announced the Loki system under Yellow-Sigma for an indeterminate time. No specific orders for action have been given at this time. Orders are for heightened watch status and increased patrols and security protocols have been tightened. Patrol vessels in the region have been directed to deliver or to send all civilian and nonessential personnel to this station for enforced leave of absence or reassignment. I know what you want to know. It's what everyone is asking. So go ahead and ask it."
"Can you read me in on the cause for the Sigma Yellow?" Braedyn asked.
"If there is a known particular threat, I have not been included on the need to know basis. " Lex folded his hands together and smiled to soften the weight of what he was able to share. "Admiral Sepandiyar of the Joint Fleet Command has ordered our Station Commander away on the USS Pathfinder, and himself taken Command of the station, which, as you no doubt may surmise, we all found highly unusual as an arrangement. But," He said with a shrug of inconsequential feeling. "I was not made aware as to Captain DeHavilland's mission, nor will I speculate."
Braedyn grinned. "No worries, Senior," he said. "I'm guessing it's all hands on deck? If that's the case, I'll be read in when command needs me to know what's up."
"Yes, that is the case. While no one has found it necessary to inform me," the old goat harrumphed good-naturedly, "they are already informing senior staff as necessary. I imagine it will depend on your assignment. But even besides all of the hush-hush, as a senior pilot under Sigma Yellow, we will have quite a few assignments. Presently our best pilots are on errands to retrieve personnel from patrol vessels and return to Obsidian Command, as well as to carry resupplies out. We are short of the necessary escort services, and there are often anomalous readings on long distance scans or unusual reports to be examined closer. I am glad to see the Fleet sees fit to arrange to amend our personnel under the circumstances."
Braedyn nodded. "I can certainly help with escort services," he said. "And I can fly Recon and Surveillance if need be. I'll report in after I get settled and see what I can do to help."
"Very good. I should think you will come to like the place. My own family is settling in nicely. I look forward to making your Acquaintance, Chief Tann."
"And I, yours, Senior," Braedyn replied. A proximity telltale went off. FC2 S'Resh silenced it. Braedyn looked at S'Resh and raised an eyebrow. S'Resh nodded. Braedyn nodded back. "And that would be your fighters. See you soon, Obsidian Tower. Howard Hill out."
Their escort was apparently two Valkyries. Before they could hail the Howard Hill, Braedyn hailed them, a mischievous tone in his voice. "Valkyrie Element Leader, this is Chief Warrant Officer Braedyn Tann, pilot-in-command, Starfleet Runabout Howard Hill, enroute to Obsidian Command."
"Chief Tann, this melodious radio voice belongs to none other than moi, Lieutenant Lew Williams," He flew close enough to be seen through the view ports, and inversely so as to offer a casual salute from his relatively up-side down view port. "Leader of the 349th, Ghost Peppers." He rolled the Valkerie over to match the same plane as Tann was flying. "On your port you'll find Ensign Volov. Say hello, Noodles."
"Hello Noodles," the Ensign repeated obediently.
Tann picked up on the radio again. "Mister Williams, Mister Volov. A pleasure to meet you. Obsidian Tower has informed us that you've gotten a little lost out here. Don't panic. We've got you. Just form on me and we'll lead you back to base. And don't feel bad. In my not inconsiderable experience, this happens to fighter pilots all the time."
Lt. Williams quipped back— "If you would please, Sir, hold our hands, we'd feel a whole lot better."
Braedyn chuckled. "Of course," he said. "Ready when you are, Lieutenant. Before we go, the starbase is the big metal thing orbiting the planet, right? I wouldn't want to go to the wrong place."
"Let me just stick my head out the sunroof and check. Yessir, that's the one, looks like she's still there, alright. In a geosynchronous orbit over Kalara. So if we overshoot we get to go dune hopping."
"Understood," Braedyn said. "Adjusting course to line us up with our assigned shuttle bay and proceeding to Obsidian Command. Tann, out."