Obsidian Command

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Mistakes are to be expected

Posted on 01 Apr 2023 @ 7:54am by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery

Mission: M3 - Into the Deep
Location: Volchok, Trading Center, Mr Asax’s Office - Ferengi Space
Timeline: Backstory: Winter 2379 - Right after ‘Snowed In’
1434 words - 2.9 OF Standard Post Measure

Brek remembered Asax’s office as a grand affair that could easily house 10 Ferengi and there would still be plenty of room to chill out. There were always piles of PaDDs neatly aligned on a gigantinormous desk made of solid black wood. The sign of a man, who although busy, never missed a thing. The tick tapestries on the walls were the color of latinum. Gold everywhere. Garish and disturbing, Brek found.

To the left, there was a lounge with a fine display of bottles and a green table on which one could often find several glasses and playing cards. There was nothing to be seen over there today, though. Due to the power cut, this area was pretty much left in the dark. Someone could be sitting there, in one of the leather lounge chairs, and he wouldn’t know.

The desk, on the other hand, was lit by three old fashioned oil lamps, placed behind the PaDDs, like three majestic trophies. Brek would have loved to take one of those lamps and sit in the lounge, where he might be invited to sample an exotic liquor. Alas his employer told him to take a seat by the desk.

Most unnerving of all though, were the pictures on the walls. He couldn’t see much of them today, but he remembered them only too well. Heavily framed and normally lit by tiny lamps on the ceiling , they showed no portraits, as one would expect. They displayed, instead, images of Asax’s past, present, and future acquisition. Words, beneath the gilded frames, informed the viewer of their status: Bought and sold, profits made. Still in possession. To be acquired. Among articles such as jewellery, boats, spaceships, businesses and even one moon, there was the very house, which, three months ago, Brek had tried to buy. The last time Brek had been summoned to this office, its label had been 'Ongoing Project'. Today, in the poor light, he couldn’t quite decipher its status.

“So, young man, are you happy in your current position?” Asax asked whilst still standing behind his desk, arms folded on his chest.. The desk being so long and so large, it looked like an ancient fortification. A great divide between two social classes. The successful one, and the insignificant one.

This was a loaded question, because a Ferengi can never be satisfied. Say no, and you may sound greedy to the point of stupidity. Say yes and you give the impression you’ve got no ambition. A serious crime, that.

“I’m... contemplating my options,” Brek said, figuring this was the best answer he could give. He licked his lips. He had been in this office, what? Five minutes, and he was already thirsty.

“You are being modest. You are doing more than that, aren’t you?”

Brek wished Asax would sit down, instead of standing there like some liquidator who’s sniffed an interesting trail. “I have not made any overt inquiries to join other firms,” Brek added, hoping he didn’t sound too cautious. “I’ve only been here three months, after all. And there are an awful lot of opportunities on Volchok. Some are alluring and others, a lot less so, when one looks at them more seriously.”

Asax snorted. “Is that so? I rather get the impression that you don’t know the first thing about what’s valuable or not. Or even what’s dangerous. I don’t hold it against you. Being so young, mistakes are to be expected. This said... How many blunders do you think it takes to kill a young hapless Ferengi?”

“I’ve always taken the greatest care of your accounts, Mr Asax.” Brek started, baffled. “I’d never dream of...”

“Let’s not play for time, Brek. Is it that you are a complete imbecile, or do you think that I’m the imbecile?” Asax interrupted him. “As you should well know, I have excellent eyes and ears. The only reason you still breathe is that you are, indeed, a good accountant. You don’t ask silly questions and you don’t temporize. Your alterations are, I’ll only say it this once, beautiful. However, once you leave your office, you are restless, aren’t you? You are seen everywhere, babbling about everything and spending a scary amount of time with those sordid outlanders. Although I shouldn’t be so harsh with them. It is always a pleasure to fleece them.” Here, Asax finally sat down. “And on top of all of this, you are a blatant thief.”

“A thief?” Brek, who, by then, could see where the conversation was going, managed, with great effort, to grin. The mad intention being to look more cunning than stupid. He had discovered a long time ago that, when you are in danger, it can pay to surprise your opponent.

Asax stared at him for a long excruciating minute. “So, this is plain then, you cast me as an imbecile. Did you not try to purchase the very house that I also coveted? Did you not steal a PaDD when you were in my cellar, a few days ago? What have I done to you, young man, to deserve such relentless attention?”

Now was the time to be clever and say something that would impress his employer, but nothing came to mind. So Brek just stared at Asax like a beetle who’s lost its way. “I never meant to do anything... unpleasant, Mister Asax,” he finally said, cursing himself for his submissive attitude. “It’s just that I like to explore the trading center so I’m always on the go.” He shrugged. “That’s what I do in my spare time.”

“Really?” Asax continued to stare at him. “Could it be so simple as making sure that you have less time to spare? Hmm... First things first, though. What happened to the PaDD that you removed from my property?”

Brek shifted in his seat. He wouldn’t have felt more uncomfortable had the proverbial ants been in his pants. “I never had a glance at it. It got inadvertently destroyed, I’m sorry to say.”

“I don’t think you know the meaning of the word sorry, nor its consequences, young man. How unfortunate that you’ve got some potential... I would otherwise terminate you right here.”

“You would let me go?” Brek asked, hopeful. Funny how, what would have felt dreadful just a few hours ago, now sounded like a good thing: being able to leave this office without much prospects, but with the ability to walk on his own two feet.

“Don’t talk such nonsense. Tell me more about the PaDD.”

Brek obliged and gave a detailed description of how his friend Neph, after hearing of his adventure in the cellar, had made sure to wreck the PaDD.

“And where are those bits of PaDD?”

“In the ocean. We threw them away, where there is a good deal of pollution, at the Dedfolc Fjord.”

“Is that so?”

Brek nodded his head. “I’m sure you’ll find footage of us, on drones and security cams, going towards the fjord. It took us two hours, but thankfully, it didn’t rain. Whatever footage exists, it should be clear.”

Those words seem to annoy Asax. “You like to be noticeable, don’t you?” The businessman sat back, and thought for a while. Every now and again he would hum a little tune, sounding like he had reached a conclusion, but no words came from him. After some fifteen minutes of this treatment - and by then Brek was so parched, he would have happily drank tepid water left in a bowl for a pet - Asax finally cleared his throat, in his usual outrageous way.

“Well well well...” There was a little smile on Asax's face that was quite disturbing, although that might have been emphasised by the poor light emanating from the oil lamps. “I’d hate not to take advantage of your competences... How about I keep you as a staff accountant? It would give you more reports to write, and less spare time. Which, I think, will be most excellent for your wellbeing.”

“A promotion?”

“We don’t use ugly terms in this office. Now, let’s see about upgrading your contract.”

While Asax foraged in his drawers, Brek could have sworn he heard a faint noise coming from the lounge. Something like a very faint chuckle. His employer must have noticed it too, because for half a second there, he stood perfectly still.


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