Obsidian Command

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Sea & Sky: Along the Way

Posted on 10 Apr 2023 @ 5:47pm by Lieutenant Commander Cesar De La Fuente Ph.D. & Commander Calliope Zahn & Chief Deputy Marshal: Ridge Steiner - FMS & Lieutenant Ethan Gunnarsen
Edited on on 11 Apr 2023 @ 11:20pm

Mission: M3 - Into the Deep
Location: Korix, The Island, USS Acamas
Timeline: MD09 ~0505- ~0515
2294 words - 4.6 OF Standard Post Measure

.:USS Acamas Main Deck:.

Steiner came forward, grabbing hold of a railing as the Arrow bucked in the turbulent water nearing the surface and shared what he’d learned with Zahn. "It’s not a lot, but -” he shrugged - “I kinda believe them, from what I could tell, they were being truthful but they claim they only know of these survivors second-hand, no direct contact with them. But enough information that I think we should check this place out” he showed her the PaDD.

Calliope looked it over. It was just a bunch of shacks on the shore. And the coordinates were close, relatively speaking. She swiped the coordinates to navigation as the shuttle broke from the water to the sky. There wasn’t a lot of difference in the amount of water. The rain was coming down in wind blown sheets. “Gunnarsen, we’re going to divert and make a quick stop on the island to look for some stranded Starfleet personnel that the Korinn say have been living there going on a decade now. We’ll try and make it brief, but we have to try.” Calliope looked at Steiner while she was catching Gunnersen up, just to highlight to Steiner that this had to be quick. “I’ve transferred the location to helm. Mr. Gunnarsen, what’s would be our ETA at best speed?”

Ethan pulled up the coordinates. “We can likely make that in about five minutes, Commander, if we move now.” If they waited any longer, the storm would make travel towards the island an adventure in itself.

“Bring us about, then. Let’s not waste any time.”

“Aye, Commander.” Ethan angled the Arrow into position as they cleared the last of the reef. The storm was still a few miles out of range on the other side of the island and already the currents had the vessel bucking under his control. Brow creasing, he slid into a wide arc to gain momentum before surging up to break surface and head for the island.

“Any contact from the Pathfinder?” Calliope asked De La Fuente hopefully.

“No, Commander,” De La Fuente answered, “I can’t even reach the relay network. The kelbonite is reacting with the electricity from the storm and amplifying its latent reactivity. It’s basically charging the kelbonite’s scattering traits.”

“When it rains, it pours. Keep trying, Commander,” Calliope replied to De La Fuente even as she twisted around to talk to Steiner. “Marshal, I want to see you and the boys-” She motioned to the Marines, “gearing up in the back.” Standing, Calliope moved quickly down the short hall, and went for some specialized gear from her own personalized equipment which she had dropped in the second bunk room, sliding out her pack and going for an inner pouch.

Steiner went over to the Marines, showed them the PaDD with the aerial image of the buildings where the Korinn had told him the Sunrise crew might be. "This is where they think the Humanoids are, but they are not sure. Commander Zahn has agreed we're going to go there. We three are getting off to check it out. Thoughts?"

Gunny Johannes snorted derisively as he pointed, “Standard SFMC survival camp design,” he explained, pointing out the key points like the HQ and Infirmary. “Starfleet does it very differently,” he explained. “Whoever did that, is one of us,” he said, gesturing to himself and Binns.

“Huh, okay well I guess the USS Sunrise must have had a Corps contingent.” Streiner nodded. “That’s good to hear, hopefully they helped some of them survive until now. So it's not a very big site, I figure we come in from these dunes, I'll try for a scan with my tricorder. Make sure there's none of these Z'ala guards around, then if it's clear, we go in and do a quick sweep of each building, see if there are survivors there. Oh, and we're keeping everything on stun, not planning on getting into any kind of shooting situation, but if we do, I'm not looking to be killing anyone. That clear?"

“I’m familiar with the rules of engagement, Marshal,” Johannes answered tartly.

Steiner looked between the two of them and spoke what they were all thinking. "I know you two are the professional warriors, I'm just a peace officer. Once we are on the ground, I will listen to your advice and suggestions, we work together on this, understood?"

Johannes just nodded.

"Ok get yourselves ready, it's not far, under five minutes." He shoved the PaDD in a pocket, left them and went to prepare his own gear. Ducking into the Tactical alcove he pulled his carbine out of the locker, flicked it on and gave it a once over. Satisfied it was good to go he opened his gear bag, pulled out his belt and holstered phaser, put that on and pulled out three flash stun grenades. Not having brought his tactical vest he stuffed them in the pockets of his under-suit coveralls. With the storm and rain he briefly considered putting his space suit back on, but it would be too cumbersome so he resigned himself to getting wet. He remembered there should be a ball-cap in the bag and rummaged around until he found that, putting in on and pulling it down tight, at least the peak would keep some of the rain out of his eyes he reasoned.

Then he pulled out his Marshal's Service Tricorder and clipped it to his belt. Satisfied, he slung the carbine over his shoulder and went back. Coming up on Zahn as she stepped out of the bunk room and met him, he said, "We're ready, how long?" He touched the tricorder on his belt "I'm hoping I can get a scan with this."

“Give me a minute. I can do you one better.” Calliope waved the specialized tricorder as she continued her advanced protocol settings. “This storm is getting worse and static charge is intensifying the kelbonite interference. We’ll land in a couple of minutes. You can sweep the area, but we can’t be on the ground long. ” Calliope explained. “DeHavilland is probably pacing. Don’t want her biting off her nails.” Calliope motioned to another storage compartment as she worked on the tricorder. “Take some pattern enhancers. And four extra in case you locate the survivors. I’m not sure it will cut through the scatter, but maybe we can save time and beam you back to the Acamas once you locate them.”

Steiner nodded and took the items, stuffing three into his pockets, leaving the rest to hand out to the Marines.

“It’s standard kit,” Johannes answered as Steiner handed him and Binns some, “But we’ll take extra,” he added, dividing it up between the two of them.

The ship was pitching and forced Calliope to grab hold of a support beam as she was finishing her scanner settings. Word came from the helm and she perked as she heard the intercom.

The entire shuttle was trembling, but still controllable as the island came into range. Ethan canted to an angle that would hopefully work with the winds when they took off again. =Putting down now,= he called, jaw clenched as the Arrow touched ground. =We’re not going to be able to stay here for long.=

“Okay Marshal." Calliope snapped the cover of the tricorder shut. The outer case display winked online. "Here’s an enhanced scanner. I set it to rotate through all known starfleet comms signals, radiative patterns, artificial materials and the like. So if the survivors have tried to paint us some kind of sign to recognize them by; it’s possible the rotation will tune through the scatter if it’s close range.” Calliope passed him the tricorder. “We’ll wait here, but we gotta be skids back in the air— fast.”

Steiner clipped the new tricorder next to his on his belt.

Zahn, Steiner and the Marines gathered by the ramp, as soon as he felt the Arrow touch down, Steiner tapped the panel and the ramp started to open. Instantly a gust of salty mist blew in and he pulled his cap down tighter on his head. It was dark gray outside of the glow of landing lights, the air was full of wind driven rain, a dull rumble of thunder was followed a few seconds later by a bright flash of lightning. In the glare they could see an expanse of sand, lifting upwards towards some dunes fifty meters away.

"Some tropical island paradise, huh?" Steiner gave Zahn a grin.

“Don’t waste any time at the tiki bar!” She shouted. Conditions were so ridiculous at this point that the absurdity transformed into a moment of levity.

“Damn I forgot my Hawaiian shirt!” He smiled back, turned and nodded to the Marines. "Time for a stroll on the beach gentlemen." They all started down the ramp.

As Calliope watched them she noticed, out of the corner of her eye, a strange flash of light on the mountain. But unlike lightning, it was headed up, not down. “What the —”

=Commander!= De La Fuente’s voice barked through the internal comms in the rear compartment. =Something’s taking off from the island!= he called out urgently, almost frantically. =It’s lining up with Pyrryx designs in the database. I don’t think we can linger!=

As Stiener, Binns, and Johannes reached the bottom of the ramp the wind and rain got worse. To their left was a roar and rumble of surf on the beach, bits of seaweed and plant matter blew through the air, Steiner slitted his eyes against the rain and stepped off the ramp into the damp sand, as soon as he was out of the shelter of the Arrow’s body the rain began soaking his coveralls. Within seconds he was wet through.

He got his bearings and pointed to the dunes. 'That way!" He shouted over the wind and rain, they began to move off. Just then he heard a cry and turned around, Zahn was on the ramp beckoning him back.

“We’ll clear, you go!” Johannes bellowed over the wind and rain, waving Steiner back as he and Binns moved on towards the huts, weapons up and searching around warily. He might not have said anything to Steiner, but he was tuned up to eleven after seeing the light on the horizon. They had to get whoever had built this camp out of here, and out of here now.

The fish lady had said two remained, and that one was a warrior. It was the only thing that made sense. One of their own was behind here, the warrior, and he’d built this village for his team. Might have been just two of them left, but they weren’t going to get left behind again. Not this time.

While the two Marines got started checking the shacks, Steiner moved back under the Arrow out of the rain. "What?" he called out over the storm.

Calliope got into his face to be heard. There was no more sign of levity in her expression, but tension now strung in all of her features. “There’s a probable Pyrryx ship on the scopes! Scratch the search! You guys get back inside!” She shouted over the rain for the third time.

"Goddammit!" he looked down the ramp, the two Marines had moved on towards the dune. He would need to run out and call them back. He started back down, then hesitated, thinking over options. If there really were survivors here, it was possible the Pyrryx ship was coming to kill them, as the Korinn had warned them they would?

He was still not totally convinced they would find anyone, but came to a decision and turned back to Zahn. "Go! We'll stay! That ship might be coming to kill our people if they really are here!"

Both of Calliope’s hands went into her hair. “I’m not leaving people behind—” Even as she said it, she knew that both ways left someone out in the rain.

“—You’re not!” Steiner interrupted. “Either it's coming for them or it's coming for us!" He argued. "You go, if it doesn't follow you, we'll know there are survivors here and they won't have anything to defend themselves with. The Marines and I can try and protect them! If it follows you, outrun or outfight it and then come back for us"

“There’s no time to argue about this, Ridge!” If he’d actually been Starfleet maybe he would have followed orders easier. “Quit being bullheaded and get back in here!”

Steiner shook his head, the Korinn had appeared truthful enough that it was worth it to come and check and he did not want to think of abandoning anyone to those black suited monsters "If there is a chance there are survivors here, including kids, then we can't leave them! Go!" he backed down the ramp "Go! Just come back when you can!" He turned and jogged off into the rain.

Punching the air with her fists a few times, Calliope swore at him but the wind howled louder than she did. Ridge left her no choice and she slammed the ramp door shut, angry, but also sure she would have pulled the same stunt if the shoe was on the other foot. She wiped the rain off of her face as she stormed down the hallway towards the cockpit. “Get us in the air, Gunnarsen!”


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