Obsidian Command

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Flight Risk: Check in

Posted on 26 May 2023 @ 8:57am by Yuliette Marayan & Deputy Marshal: T'Sai - FMS
Edited on on 06 Feb 2024 @ 10:30pm

Mission: M3 - Into the Deep
Location: Obsidian Command
Timeline: M3 D09 0900AM
1379 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure


Yuliette had spent three days in the provided civilian accommodations. For the first two she hadn't left the room, except to visit with Lt. Keen and his friends, a mix of people both in the service and outside of it who had known one another for sometime and reconnected on the station, mostly by hanging out in the back room of the Obsidian Oasis. Yuliette was keenly aware she was the misfit in Keen's friend group, but they were nice enough not to make much of it and to let her mill about with them without quizzing her much. Keen had probably told them about her, and her application for asylum, and warned them she was skittish around people with questions. They just seemed to already know it, which would be best explained if they'd been more or less briefed by the brig officer.

When their little dinner party had broken up, Keen had walked her back to her quarters and reminded her that she had her first check in tomorrow, at the Marshal's office on the Promenade. If she didn't take herself, they'd come looking for her and that wouldn't look great, so go first thing, had been his advice.

Yuliette fell asleep on the sofa, where she could see the locked door— sleep being a loose word for the anxious dozing throughout the night. She had done far better in the brig where she had security fields and a constant guard. Her worry was too heavy to appreciate the generous amenities of the Starfleet quartering compared to her last rent-hole with sluggish plumbing, rancid smells, no furnishings and the bajoran refugee neighborhood who had been less than thrilled about having her there.

She left the room more or less untouched as she stayed, eating and returning empty plates to the replicator and sitting anxiously looking at the door, pacing, or curling up on the sofa. She couldn't bring herself to watch the holo or to even read a book. Her heart was going to fly apart with anxiety, she knew, if she couldn't find a way to handle the suspense of waiting to hear back concerning her application.

So having somewhere to go and checking in for the morning on the third day since getting her anklet was at least something. She looked furtively side to side to side as she entered the corridor and headed down to the promenade. Every corner, every person, she examined, deciding if there was a potential threat or not before ducking into the turbolift (a harrowing ride) and then off into the strange feeling of the nearly open air promenade that felt spacious and brightly lit and yet artificial and painful to her heightened senses. She checked an automated kiosk for directions and then speed walked to the Promenade Security point.

The Security Point was located on the central plaza of the promenade. A circular single-story structure, the center contained a small office and secure storage, while all around the rim was a counter and workstation, with three positions. It operated as a central post from which the promenade security team could operate. From there personnel could monitor activities on the promenade and be readily available to interact with patrons and business owners or respond to any situation that may arise.

T'sai had desk-duty for the morning shift, while a pair of her Security colleagues were out on patrol. T'Sai looked up as the young woman arrived at the open desk, a hybrid Cardassian, not a common species outside of the Union.

"Good morning" She nodded to the woman "How can I be of service?"

"Yes. Uh. Thank you. Ms..." Yuliette found the Vulcan woman's name across the breast pocket of her Marshal's service jacket. "Ms. T'Sai. I had a conditional release from the brig a few days ago. I'm meant to check in as a parole condition." She hugged herself with one arm, soothing her own shoulder with a rub before it occurred to her to give her name. "Doctor Yuliette Marayan. That's... I'm Dr. Marayan."

"I understand Doctor," T'sai replied and held out her hand. "Your identification please and parole conditions chip."

Yuliette's hand went to the pocket of her linen pants. She'd gotten used to the plain clothes they supplied in lock up. They were simple, practical. But they hadn't had pockets. She had replicated one with pockets. The newly issued chip from Security was on her, of course. Replacing the false ID she had been trying to use to pass her self off as just a passer through. She thumbed the little piece of circuit printed resin. This new one had the clearest account she'd ever known of her past. Somethings had come to light that hadn't been on record before, thanks to the name changes her father had lived under. Marayan wasn't his name of birth. But it had become hers. She put the little chip into the other woman's palm.

Taking the identification T'Sai scanned it and dropped the chip into a slot on her panel. Seconds later the woman's information flashed up, T'sai read through it quickly.

The woman was a medical doctor and apparently the offspring of a Cardassian official in the Rho Saran administration, someone subject to several charges of species-rights abuses and crimes against the Federation, but since the man operated outside of Federation jurisdiction those were unlikely to be laid. There were also possible charges pending involving this woman herself.

She read through Winslow's Interview report. The woman had requested asylum and had been granted a parole to remain on the station pending that requests review. She was not allowed to depart Obsidian Command and was required to check in every five days. This was her first one.

T'sai looked up, "Please confirm your quarter assignment Doctor"

"I'm... in section A. Of the Habitat Ring." Everyone was quartered in Section A, of course. She proceeded to also recite the deck number and the sector and the hall and the room.

"Thank you, everything appears to be in order." She tapped in some notes confirming the woman was compliant with the conditional release stipulations and pulled the chip. She held it out along with the identification. "There is no further update on your asylum application at this time. Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

"Oh." Yuliette looked crestfallen at the lack of news. "No, I mean, unless there's someone I can talk to who can expedite things. A little. I'm... feeling a little exposed, I guess. Not that... that you, or security or, you know, not that the base isn't secure. I just. It would go a long way to helping me sleep if there was some way of knowing. Knowing anything. Lieutenant Keen said I should try resubmitting it, but I'm guessing... that wouldn't go any further. If it's... already in the system."

"It would appear you received a positive recommendation from Lieutenant Winslow prior to his departure." T'Sai replied. "Resubmitting the application would serve no logical purpose. However, you may wish to contact Starfleet Diplomatic personnel, since they will handle the next phase of the process, if that will reduce your insomnia. Would you like directions to their offices?"

"Please. It can't hurt to ask. Can it?"

T'sai nodded and gave the woman the location of the Diplomatic front office. "I would advise contacting them first to make an appointment, as being the most efficient method."

Having had presence of mind enough to bring one along, Yuliette had a small padd and highlighted the information. "The Department Director is Lt Commander Maurice Rubens? I should address his office?"

"I believe that would be appropriate, they will be the most able to assist you or assign someone who can" T'Sai nodded

Yuliette tucked the miniature padd back into her pocket, intending to sit down somewhere out in the bright, open middle of the promenade, so she could relax enough to make sure she was entering everything correctly. "Thank you... deputy."

"You are welcome, Doctor" T'Sai responded "Your next check in is scheduled for five days, please report in by Noon."

"Noon, five days,"she repeated back. Five days sounded abstract. But what didn't sound strange suspension of her life? Yuliette wandered off along the promenade.


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