Obsidian Command

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Excuse The Mess

Posted on 05 Sep 2023 @ 11:04am by Captain Corvus DeHavilland
Edited on on 06 Feb 2024 @ 10:10pm

Mission: M4 - Falling Out
Location: Dockyard
Timeline: M4 D1 0900HRS
1240 words - 2.5 OF Standard Post Measure

.: [[Dockyard Administration - Alpha-Four Project Suite, Project Managers Office]] :.

Samual sighed at his desk as he looked through paperwork. Running a dockyard project team on a Stardock at the best of times involved a lot of paperwork; running one while also overseeing the other project teams on a critically understaffed station with a full workload involved a veritable mountain of paperwork. Samual had spent most of his first two days on the station just catching up.

As Samual was going through an inventory report his door chime sounded. Looking up Samual responded. "Come in." The door opened to reveal the night shift supervisor Burke. She crossed the room to the desk holding out a pair of PaDDs for Samual to take. "Sir, I have the night shift report and an accident report."

Samual accepted the PaDDs with a sigh giving the accident report a look: One Crewman Reynolds severely burned his hand by touching a charged circuit within a console he was working on. Burke waited for about a minute as Samual read, looking curiously at the picture he kept on his desk of Krosin and himself before adding. "Medical says Crewman Reynolds will need to be on light duty for a couple of days but other than that he will be fine sir."

Samual nods and sets the report down in the area of his desk he has set aside for purely project paperwork, then leans back. "Very well. Speak with his crew chief and see to it that a light-duty assignment is found for him. And make sure to speak to him about not rushing if you haven't already, he was lucky this time that it wasn't a more severe injury we don't want him trying his luck again, not to mention we are short-staffed enough without having people on light duty." Samual sits back up and grabs the shift report. "Now then, work status?"

Burke nodded "Hardware work on the targeting and weapons control systems is almost complete, as of the last time I checked we should be ready to initialize and calibrate the system in maybe a half hour to an hour. Speaking of which Petty Officer Todd asked me to let you know Commander Rochambeau will meet you at the Pylon. Progress on everything else is mostly unchanged."

Samual sets down the report and stands with his hands clasped behind his back. "Very good, excellent work tonight, Lieutenant, Dismissed." Burke nodded with a smile and left the office leaving Samual alone.

He crossed to his equipment locker took off his service jacket and hung it up in the locker. He grabbed the coveralls and safety boots, putting them on over his uniform and placing his commbadge and rank pips in their proper places. Then he put on his toolbelt and grabbed his toolkit, and finally, he grabbed the shift report.

Leaving his office, he checked in on Todd at the Reception desk and made his way out of the suite and towards the turbolifts.

.: [[Docking Pylon Alpha-Four: USS Casablanca]] :.

As Samual approached the airlock area, he looked out the windows taking stock of the ship's condition. Where normally there would be the deflector there was a massive hole, he could see several groups of personnel in EV suits working in different exposed compartments. More of the hull surrounding the deflector was missing than was normally necessary for a deflector removal, according to what he had been told both verbally and in written reports several of the hull sections had been fused. The Port Nacelle was also missing leaving only an empty pylon in its place.

As he reached the airlock, he turned his attention back to reviewing the shift report as he waited for Commander Rochambeau to arrive.

Being docked at a Starbase was supposed to be relaxing, almost like an extended shore leave between deployments. A vacation even. But her time here on Obsidian Command had been nothing but. Since the day she'd arrived she'd been eyeball deep in some manner of project. From supply ferries, to managing a Lieutenant General's interface with Starfleet. All while trying to deal with the emotional fallout of a personal relationship issue she hadn't been expecting to rear its head here, of all places.

Needless to say she was a bit run down, tired and irritable as she made her way to the docking pylon to deal with yet another project. As she rounded the corner of the airlock, she spotted who she thought she was to be working with and gave a curt wave as she approached.

"Are you Lieutenant Johnson?" she asked.

Samual looked up from his PaDD to see a Commander in Operations Gold approaching him. "Yes, I'm Lieutenant Johnson. Commander Rochambeau, I presume?" Samual responded while putting his PaDD in one of his pockets.

"I'm Rochambeau. Nice to meet you," she greeted him politely.

"Likewise, Commander. Sorry to call you for help this early in the refit, normally we wouldn't be bringing the tactical systems online yet but given the current alert situation I've been ordered to make them a priority, that way in an emergency the Casablanca can be used as a makeshift static battery." He explained.

"I hope it doesn't come to that," Elise frowned. "I kinda like this old ship. Was looking forward to seeing her back in action," she said, looking on towards it wistfully. "Right. So what do you need from me?" she asked. This really was the last place she wanted to be; she'd had it in mind to go and look for Bruce. To corner him properly and have a chat, but as much as that sounded like a good idea when she played it out in her head she knew that the reality of that conversation probably wouldn't go where she wanted. He'd made his choice years ago, and she'd made hers. Maybe it could have been different. But 'what if's' only served to drive one mad. She couldn't deny that she still cared for him, even after these long years, but that was why she'd left. Why she'd come here to the Casablanca. Now, at the thought of seeing her nothing more than a static weapons platform that would be the first to be obliterated in a fight filled her with a sense of sadness far in excess of what she should have. It would not just be the loss of a ship, but a home she'd found sanctuary in when her previous one could no longer be.

Samual nodded. "The targeting and weapons control systems have been upgraded and should be initialized by now. We need your help to calibrate the system. We can work on it from lower weapons control, just excuse the mess on the way there, We have a lot of supplies and equipment staged just about everywhere."

"Alright," Elise agreed, gesturing the way that she knew they needed to go for him to lead the way. "Just tell me where I need to be," she said, following now. Truthfully it was her first time back aboard the ship since they'd all disembarked to begin the refit so it felt a little surreal to see her in such disarray.

"If You follow me, I know the most direct route to weapons control that isn't currently blocked off." Samual said before he turned and entered the airlock.


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