Obsidian Command

M4 - Falling Out

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The USS Pathfinder returns to Obsidian Command with a boatload of issues for the UFP and Starfleet to face... both from within and without. The station plays host to the discussions.

Mission Group DeHavilland
Start Date 08 Aug 2023 @ 11:51pm

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Title Timeline Location
by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
MD 4 - Day 24 Afternoon. O.C. Station - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
Passing Go
by Lieutenant JG Maxwell Tilmer & Ensign Marcello Wiser & Crewman Recruit Zuzal
D14-D15 (New Years Eve) Following "A Capitalist Sendoff" OC, Sickbay, Jup's room
A Shadowy Start
by Commander Thaddeus Zayne & Lieutenant Tobias Hirsh
MD24 - 1142HRS Tactical / Security Offices - Bay Alpha 9
Refractions: Breaking Point
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Senior Deputy Marshal: Sven-Erik Lofthammer - FMS & Admiral Zavareh Sepandiyar & Lieutenant Ethan Gunnarsen
MD25 Following "Refractions: Taking a Lickin' " Pathfinder, On Patrol
Refractions: Party Crashers
by Commander Calliope Zahn
concurrent with "Refractions: Deal or No Deal" SS Virgil
Don’t let me be misunderstood
by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
MD 4 - Day 24 Morning Brek's Quarters
Far Afield
by Lieutenant Tobias Hirsh & Senior Chief Petty Officer Lex Navine
MD24 ~1030HRS Obsidian Command, CiC
Ongoing Business - Security Edition
by Captain Corvus DeHavilland & Commander Thaddeus Zayne & Lieutenant Tobias Hirsh & Lieutenant Sibyl Danzer & Chief Petty Officer Ozanna Isuri
MD24 - 1000HRS Conference Room
by Lieutenant JG Kastor Aslanov MD
Following "Trust but Verify" Kastor Aslanov's Quarters
Trust but Verify
by Lieutenant JG Kastor Aslanov MD
Immediately following "Don't rock the boat" Sickbay
Refractions: Taking a Lickin'
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Captain Corvus DeHavilland & Lieutenant Commander Christophe Leblanc & Lieutenant Ethan Gunnarsen
MD25 immediately following "Refractions: Deal or No Deal" Pathfinder, On Patrol
Pretty Lights
by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
MD 4 - Day 9 Evening O.C - Brek's Quarters
The Spaces In Between
by Lieutenant Tobias Hirsh
(TBD — During the time skip) OC, CiC, workstations
The Collective
by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
MD 4 - Day 9 Timeless Treasures Art Gallery - Brek's Office
Memory of a Friend
by Chief Petty Officer Ibis Xeri
Day 23 following Theory Testing OC, Medical
Artists United
by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
MD 4 - Day 9 O.C. Station - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
by Aiden Dhow & Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
MD05 - 1000 Kalara City
Refractions: Deal or No Deal
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Lieutenant Commander Christophe Leblanc & Senior Deputy Marshal: Sven-Erik Lofthammer - FMS
MD 25 Pathfinder, On Patrol
Politics, Diplomacy, and a Handful of Grease
by Lieutenant Commander Maurice Rubens
Day 24 - 1030 HR Promenade
Refractions: Unexpected Arrival
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Captain Corvus DeHavilland & Lieutenant Commander Christophe Leblanc & Lieutenant Ethan Gunnarsen
MD25 Pathfinder, On Patrol
by Chief Petty Officer Ibis Xeri
following "Family Strife" Obsidian Command, Wallace Residence
Family Strife
by Chief Petty Officer Ibis Xeri & Lieutenant Commander Maurice Rubens & Major Porter Wallace & Lieutenant JG Agaia Adima & Staff Warrant Officer Chadrin L'Orss
After "Wallace, Wallace, & Shearing" Obsidian Command, Wallace Residence
Unwitnessed, Unratified: What We Do
by Lieutenant Commander Maurice Rubens
April 6, 2385 - The Morning after the Attack on Mars Montevideo, Earth
The Transformation of a Life
by Brek - Timeless Treasures Art Gallery
Backstory: Autumn 2380 Alpha Quadrant - FenixCorps Mining Operation
Refractions: Let Yourself In
by Commander Calliope Zahn & Admiral Zavareh Sepandiyar & Lieutenant Louke Haille
D25 Pathfinder Patrol - Away Team POV

Mission Summary