Obsidian Command

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Steiner: Back on the beat

Posted on 04 Aug 2023 @ 11:15pm by Chief Deputy Marshal: Ridge Steiner - FMS

Mission: M3 - Into the Deep
Location: USS pathfinder & Obsidian Command
Timeline: M3 D14 1045Hrs
611 words - 1.2 OF Standard Post Measure

.: [USS Pathfinder: Security Office] :.

“Thanks for putting up with me” Steiner said, sticking his hand out to Lieutenant Knowles in lieu of accepting the salute she offered, which he did not feel he really deserved and shook it warmly when she matched him.

“Hope I didn’t screw up too much” he gave her a grin.

Knowles smiled back “Not at all sir, was good having you aboard”

“Smart idea on the Bodkins too. Although I’m kinda glad we didn’t have to test them out for real” He had arranged for one of the rail-guns weapons to be sent over to Obsidian Command, along with a canister of the sticky foam, the rest was remaining aboard, just in case they did run into the Pyrryx again.

Steiner turned to the Master at Arms and offered him his hand next. “Senior Chief, thank you also, and if I did screw up, thanks for covering for me.”

Drummond shook back, “Way, I hear it your actions searching the prisoner’s camp and during the battle were text book Security Officer’s style sir, proud to have had you as Chief for a while”

Steiner waved away the compliment. “Anything else we need to do?”

“No sir” Knowles replied “Manifest and roster has been updated, you’ve been removed from the computer as Acting Chief of Security, you are formally relived sir. Your luggage has been transported over. I’ll walk you to the hatch.”

By the time they arrived, the brass and the brass’s brass band had gone, beyond the Security checkpoint Steiner saw T’Sai waiting patiently for him.

“You take care out there, Andrea” Steiner said to Knowles as he left.

“And you sir”

.: [Obsidian Command] :.

Steiner passed through the hatch, presented his identification at the check point and two minutes later joined T’Sai

“Welcome back Chief” She nodded to him, falling in alongside as he walked towards the nearest turbo lifts.

“Thanks, what did I miss?”

She gave him a short summary of events since he had left, three elements stood out.

“They built a combat robot? Really? Damn! And what’s the new Chief like? He was already in a shoot out with some raiders?”

“Yes Chief, a robot, really.” A small frown crossed her face as though unsure whether or not he believed her. "I do not think Command Sikan actually fired any weapons himself, during the encounter ”

Steiner waved a hand "You know what I mean."

"Yes Chief" T'Sai nodded "Commander Sikan is an experienced Security Officer and also a graduate of the Vulcan Institute of Defensive Arts

“Huh, that a good thing?”

“Yes Chief” She nodded “He is expecting you at eleven-thirty hours.”

“That’s in fifteen minutes”

“Yes Chief” T’Sai nodded

“Alright, well I’d better head up there. Did Lofthammer fill you in about Marshal Dradan Cubo? I need you to start some research for me. I want a bio, background and whatever you can find on a Desorn Koruchan associated with a company called Trans-Elliptical.

I’ve got files on the company, just see what you can find out about that person. In fact, go check my case files for Trans Elipitical” He gave her the Case file number and access code. “That will give you a starting point.”

“Yes Chief”

The turbo lift stopped on her deck and T’Sai exited. Steiner tapped in the number for the CIC level. Five minutes later he had passed the security point and presented himself at the Security Chief’s office.


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