Obsidian Command

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Best of Intentions

Posted on 11 Oct 2023 @ 5:59pm by Aiden Dhow

Mission: M4 - Falling Out
Location: El Aurian Colony, Obsidian
Timeline: MD 04 - Late Morning
1033 words - 2.1 OF Standard Post Measure

Finding the information on how to develop film had been tedious, and in the end Aiden had resorted to asking Kitaan for assistance. Thankfully, his uncle proved to be a source of arcane knowledge no one really had any sense knowing. Voicing that thought had earned him a wry grin and a ‘you’re welcome to do this on your own if you’d like’, before Kitaan helped him set up a space in one of the back rooms of the main compound.

Being set so far into the stone itself, the climate was ideal for the task. A few trips station-side to retrieve the necessary materials, and Aiden soon had his own developing station set up and in progress. The first few tries had been less than successful: impatience coupled with fractured knowledge resulted in clouded images or outright black duds. Still, he kept trying. He couldn’t explain why, intent on having something to lend value to his efforts, he supposed. It was no different than any other project he had ever undertaken, if he thought about it. Ms. Hardt would not pay for poor workmanship; the only difference was that the cost of his production did not rob others.

And that was the thought that gave him pause as his latest image slowly came into focus. A grown man, exasperation and not a little affection in his expression as he peered at the disheveled child in his grasp. As his timer went off, Aiden moved through the process of shifting the page from container to container before setting it in the bath to wash. Once it was finished, Aiden laid the page out to dry on the mat, tilting his head to the side as he studied it closer. So simple … likely not worth more than the product used to create it, but for some reason he liked it more than the others he had turned out over the past few days.

A knock at the door sounded, followed quickly by Kitaan’s voice asking if he could come in. “Yes, nothing will be harmed.” Aiden shuttered his eyes briefly as the light turned on, casting his work in sharp relief amongst the other developed works scattered about. He glanced up, catching his uncle’s gaze as the older man stepped into the room. Dark eyes swept over the various images scattered about on counters, or neatly stacked to the side.

“You’ve been busy,” Kit remarked, moving over to where several images laid atop a folder. Aiden had not yet managed to put them out of sight, as he would drift over from time to time to flip through them again.

“It gets faster every time I do it. Well, at least the first part. I still have to wait on the formulas to do their thing.”

A low chuckle met his remark and Kitaan shook his head. “I’m surprised Hardt actually had one this old. They had been out of still a couple hundred years before I was born. It’s hard enough to find a digital version anymore, but there’s no denying the result is worth the effort.” He picked up one of the photos revealing a view taken from higher up – likely from when he had discovered Aiden sitting nearly a hundred feet up above their lodging. “How did you get to that ledge again?”

Brow furrowed, Aiden turned to see what Kitaan was looking at. “Oh. I climbed. It wasn’t difficult, really.” That collection was part of what he intended to turn over for profit. Scenic images, very few with faces or any truly defining landmarks. Those, he considered turning over to the counsel. Aiden couldn’t say for sure, but selling an image of an individual felt like stealing from them, and it was something he was trying to set in his past.

Kitaan was silent for a moment. “There’s been a petition brought before the counsel. They’ll be hearing it later today to see if there is any merit.” He glanced up into the younger man’s eyes, reading the confusion there and hoped the others would see the same thing he did. “I did not consider how … that is to say, just know that whatever happens, you will have my full support.”

“Your … what?” Aiden dropped his arms as he stood upright, topping the other man’s height by a few fingers. “What’s going on?”

“I cannot say yet, only that you may be called before the counsel. No crime has been committed, but a complaint has been made. I am hoping it is resolved quickly without issue, but … considering the source I feel they may take their time, and you may be called before the counsel to explain what you have been doing.”

“I’ve been taking photographs of this planet, of the colony. No one has said this was wrong.”

“And it isn’t – it shouldn’t be – but all the same, I want you to be prepared that questions may be asked. Just know that you are here on my invitation, and you have my trust.” Kitaan rested a hand on Aiden’s shoulder and squeezed gently. “That is something that – once given – is not easily torn away.”

Aiden knew the statement should give him comfort, but all he felt was cold inside. He willed himself not to shrug Kitaan off too soon, but the moment the man released his grip, he shifted back. “I … I need some time to think.” He moved past Kitaan and fled the room.

Watching him go, the older man shook his head. Admittedly he was still learning details of Aiden’s past, but what he did know – what he had witnessed in the months before this project took up his time and brought him here – was enough to secure his trust in the young man’s motives, and to let him share in the frustration now weighing him down. As Kitaan turned to leave the room his gaze fell on the newest image laying on the table, taking in the shape of a father protectively cradling his errant daughter, and sighed before stepping out the door.



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