Obsidian Command

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A Bend in the Course

Posted on 25 Feb 2024 @ 8:24am by Aiden Dhow

Mission: M4 - Falling Out
Location: Kalara City
Timeline: MD:O5 - 1000
1137 words - 2.3 OF Standard Post Measure

When the shuttle landed, Cyrus put the engines in holding; Paurin would be remaining with the vessel, and it made for a smoother departure if they didn’t have to wait for the whole thing to power back up from start. He glanced back to find Shirin and Aiden unbuckling as well. “We’re a little later than I intended, but some of the shops are still just opening and we have a few hours before the noon heat fully hits.” To the younger man, he added. “You’ll be with me today. Shirin, you good for the supply runs on your end?”

“I’ll manage.” She flashed a smirk to the two before heading off, leaving Cyrus and Aiden to follow.

Cyrus chuckled, leading the way off the shuttle and onto the sand-packed tarmac. He flipped his hood into place and noted Aiden doing the same as they took the main causeway into the city proper. At first, all seemed well, but as they moved into the streets, Cyrus picked up on tones of agitation and excitement that had not been there previously. His gaze shot to Aiden, noting his presence close at hand, and he continued his path, alert to anything that might cause concern on the way. He found his way to Faruz’s shop, which seemed to be the nadir of the energy that was settled on the town, and made his way over to speak with the man as he emerged from the stairwell leading to his rent lodging.

“Did I miss notice on a sale, old friend?”

Faruz glanced up, a bit wary, but his expression lit up at sight of the El Aurian and his young charge. “Not at all, not at all. Just a bit of morning excitement. You just missed the fun.” He waved the two into the entrance to his store proper. “The girls are clearing out the lodging; it would seem my guest decided to seek a more … suitable arrangement for his situation.”

Cyrus recalled what he could of the stranger - lean, tanned, and with an air of something that did not quite reach the surface as he spoke. “Oh really. Did he mention what he found lacking? Your hospitality is bar none from what I have heard.” The statement seemed to spark something in the Obsidianite and Cyrus watched him close and lock the door before waving for them to join him in a back room.

“To be honest, he is leaving not entirely of his own choice. I assured him he was welcome to continue, but … I am afraid he has managed to make an enemy in his short time on planet. Earlier this morning someone broke into his lodgings and destroyed his things. Oh, they tore up my bed coverings and a few replaceable items as well, but that is no matter. Mr. Larsen managed to be coming back just as the brigand made his escape and apparently took a blow. He insists he is fine, but his companion did not seem as convinced. To be honest, my girls have their suspicions as well, but you know how women think. One little bump and they’re calling for a Physik.”

”Tell that one to Shirin,” Cyrus chuckled. “I’m sorry to hear of the trouble, though. Did Mr. Larsen give any indication of where he intended to stay?”

”He mentioned something about visiting your colony. Perhaps you saw him on your way in? Ah well, he may detour slightly before arriving. To be honest, my friend, I believe the man to be more than he claims.”

That sparked something in Cyrus and he narrowed his eyes. “Did he threaten you?”

“Nothing of the sort! If anything, his departure was to draw the attention of whomever was responsible away from my shop. He even offered to pay for the damage, but I would have nothing of it. He took the worst of the lot, after all. No, It is only that he seemed … less than fazed by the fact his space had been violated and more concerned about what it would mean for us. I fear he expected trouble when he arrived, I just do not thing he expected to find it so soon.”

“Well, tell me of this companion of his; I will alert my team to keep an eye out for them should they reach the Tarmac before us.” He would also inform Shirin to be on the look-out as well. “If it is the Bajada he is aiming for, I would like to see him arrive without a tail. Once inside, we can keep out any unwanted followers.”

Faruz sighed. “If I had known you would be here, I would have persuaded him to stay a bit longer. He was with a woman …” He waved a hand at his head, trying to describe what he did not quite understand. “Pale skin and ears somewhat like those refugees you took in. Not quite the same, but … She was not here the night before, but they seemed familiar; possibly someone he knows in his work, or just in passing as she seemed more troubled by the affair than him.”

”Possibly Vulcan then. It will make her easier to spot at least.” Cyrus pulled out his communicator and sent a quick message to both Shirin and Paurin. “Now, I think you should open your shop up before the crowds take offense to me stealing all your time. I do have an order to collect myself.”

”Yes, yes … of course! I have your wares just back here.” Moving to unlock the door once more, Faruz added. “I will just check in on my girls to see how they are managing, and then I will be back with you.”

When he was gone, Cyrus turned to Aiden. “I don’t like this. I met his lodger - claimed to be a reporter for some Federation journal. He could have just stumbled onto a dangerous lead, or he’s proving me right that there’s more to him than that. All the same, I think it best if we get you back to the shuttle. The crowds are not to my liking, and there’s little more here that needs be doing anyway.”

”Is it safe to bring him to the Colony?” Aiden had to admit he was curious about this whole ordeal.

”Safe for us, yes. I don’t see him as a threat. And from the sounds of it, it will be safer for him as well. Just stay alert until we’re back to the shuttle.” Aiden nodded and Cyrus patted his shoulder. Faruz returned and collected the supplies Cyrus had requested. There was little bartering as the price had already been decided and soon the pair was on their way once again.


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