Obsidian Command

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Come in, Come in

Posted on 05 May 2021 @ 8:06am by Jeestroyet Atraix - Spa & Wellbeing Center & Lieutenant Noah Khoroushi

Mission: M2 - Sanctuary
Location: Promenade
Timeline: MD 03 14:00
1210 words - 2.4 OF Standard Post Measure

It was a slow day, even with the time passing since the invasion it was still quiet in the wellness centre. Jeestroyet had thought that that people would need some relaxation after the running and screaming that had occurred on the base but it was not meant to be it seemed people found other outlets. She knew people would find their way back into the civilian area of the base eventually, it would just take time. When they did find their way back the Betazoid owner hoped anyone who came inside would find warmth, cosiness, and quirkiness when they were ready, she was patient as usual.

The woman busied about the main area where she hoped eventually to be able to run mindfulness classes among other ideas she had and around arrange the equipment that had finally been brought over and installed. The mats were still to be put out but the fitness equipment and chairs were all where she wanted them to be and the little rooms she had were all set up for quiet spaces. It made her heart happy to be set up for the most part and open for business after everything that had happened in the base attack and how much had been ruined for people. She knew herself had been scared witless and it had taken time for her to not jump at everything.

The bulk of the Operations work was finally well underway with a more established crew under LTJG Hokir. Still no Chief of the department, to Noah's curiosity, but it wasn't wholly a concern to him. The young Betazoid woman seemed fully capable of keeping things running until Command saw fit to put someone in charge. For now, he was taking a much needed break from work, wandering the civilian areas to get a feel for just what sorts of people he might be interacting with. Romulans, for sure, as well as whatever natives lived on the planet below. There was the usual mix of shapes and colors streaming about him that one would expect on a station.

Glancing across the way, he caught sight of a storefront that was both unusual and yet oddly familiar. As Noah made his way closer, he had to smile as he recognized it for what it was; being the only son in a family of Persian and Parisian women, he had seen his fair share of spas on Earth. This one had a different flare, of course, but the rudiments were there. At the moment, it seemed unoccupied, though. Likely still setting up shop, and wouldn't appreciate the interruption; making a note to check back later in the week, Noah turned to leave.

Jeestroyet looked up from the flowers she had been busily arranging to see someone looking in through the window of her establishment. She smiled and waved at the figure gesturing them to come inside.

"I do not bite!" She called hoping they would come inside instead of just looking in from the outside.

He caught sight of the figure from the corner of his eye and turned back. Brows arched, Noah saw her - it was a woman, he realize - motioning him toward the door. Well then! Turning back, he made his way to the entrance and stepped inside. "I wasn't sure you were open," he offered, smiling as the rich aroma of tropical flowers filtered through the air.

"Always open when people need me to be." She assured with a grin as she turned her attention back to the flowers for a moment quickly finishing the arrangement before she turned back to the man. "Not quite finished setting up but more than welcome to give anyone a tour or answer questions." She assured.

"Be careful what you offer," Noah chuckled. "Otherwise you'll never have any free time to yourself."

"I am sure I will have time for myself. I always do. I am Jeestroyet." The woman introduced herself holding out her hand. He looked human so the Betazoid did a more human greeting.

"Noah," he accepted her hand, his much larger enfolding hers. "I work in the Diplomatic offices here on the station, but I have operations experience as well; anything I can do to help finish up here?"

“Not really. Engineers and operations have mostly finished just a case of decorating and putting things where they belong. Anything I can do to help you, Noah?” She wondered taking her hand back.

He grinned. "Just indulging in curiosity. I haven't been in a legitimate spa since the last time I was on Earth. One of the sacrifices made to life on a ship. Of course, usually it's allowing my sisters to drag me in under protest. If I went willingly, they would suspect I'm either teasing them, or that I've gone soft in the head."

"It is not so much a spa more a wellbeing centre. We do have some small spa things like facials and massages once my staff arrive but it's more about the right balance in our lives, finding moments for ourselves. Your sisters sound like a joy to have around and know what you need." Jeestroyet retorted with a smirk. Human men were either believers or sceptics and Jeestroyet found it amusing to sat the least.

Noah grinned. "They're well-meaning and I like to humor them when I am home. Apparently, Father never proved a viable convert to their ways." Still, the idea of a wellness center was appealing in a way. "So what opportunities does your establishment offer for achieving balance?"

"Well, all depends on if you are someone who enjoys a group setting or someone who wants to be by themselves. I am hoping to run mindfulness class, yoga, Tai Chi, among other less human styles and are rooms you can do things by yourself back there," She pointed to several rooms that came off the large area. "Lots of potential balance achieving opportunities."

“Sounds promising,” Noah mused. Tai Chi would definitely be of interest to him, a form he could manage with his knee and even benefit the damaged joint. “I will certainly be interested to see the place when you’re fully up and running.”

"A week or so hopefully. I am offering free mindfulness classes to Starfleet Personelle so you are more than welcome to come along." Jeestroyet murmured softly hoping more people found it as promising as he did.

"I'll pass the word along," Noah assured her. "I'm sure there are more than a few among my staff alone who can benefit from the service." To say nothing of others on the station, though encouraging some to step foot in a place such as this might prove a challenge.

"Appreciate it, Noah. Do not be a stranger though that offer applies to you as well." She said brightly giving him an option to escape without being embarrassed to escape. She knew everyone including herself was still busy setting up and trying to recover.

Noah made to respond, then happened to check the time and realized he was needing to get back. "Believe me, I'll be keeping tabs for when you're fully up and running. If anything, I'll want first hand knowledge for anyone I recommend to come this way."


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